Senator (1k+ posts)
The famous nephew of Imran Khan and a vocal lawyer in the famous stabbing case of Khadija, Mr. Hassaan Khan Niazi has embarked on a new mission to serve the law community of Pakistan.
He has announced opening of law clinic at Blackstone School of Law!
As Blackstone Law student, you have the opportunity to do paid work so that you take the theory that you learn in the classroom and apply it to real cases, for real people, while you give back to the society. You will help overturn wrongful convictions, work on human rights cases, pursue public interest litigation and ensure that the underprivileged clients get adequate representation. Join us, be a change agent and challenge the status quo!
This is a great initiative and students who are studying law or planning on doing so should especially take a look at this video.
"You become a lawyer before you get the licence to practice." If anyone has any further questions, do let me know.
The students who are not studying law should extend this idea to their respective universities and colleges. If your education is limited to the books, then you are not learning anything. Every student should be taught how to serve the community.
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