But the Literate Idiots living in Pakistan think this is all bullshhhit. Just conspiracy theory.
America is our friend, Talibans & Other fighting American Oppression are the real culprits.
If this was Said by Zaid Hamid , The Reaction would have been .
Hahahahha, Lal topi wala Maskkhara
Kazzab ka tattuuu
bla Bla bla ,
what Hypocrisy ,,,,,,,, WOW .. . . . .
Isnt it brother @ambroxo and others that join him when ZH says stuff like this.
bro problem is not what he says
problem is what he did and does
and Prophet pbuh is most important
You are not the Judge for what he did my brother , Specially when he denies it , I know him personally and have visited him many times , there is no such thing as what is presented against him..
keep visiting him as these visits will not remain longer :)
I have verified personally what he thought about Islam and Rasool Ullah , Did you do the same to get the truth ?
What if the man is saying right , do you know the Penalty for Bohtan ?
Save yourself from hellfire Brother.
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