Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
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Students shouldve asked college admin to remove ANP
Students shouldve asked college admin to remove ANP
well done isf!
Hopefully u will do the same n remove ttp flag too!
Oh wait we should negotiate with anp student wing killers!
V-d-k-a ????
Students shouldve asked college admin to remove ANP
Students shouldve asked college admin to remove ANP
Yes. They should have asked college administration. Since they didn't ask them and tried replacing that flag with Pakistani flag, they now rightly deserve to be shot and tortured.
ANP students did what they were supposed to do and such actions must be supported to maintain discipline in college. :angry_smile:
well done ISF!
hopefully u will do the same n remove TTP flag too!
oh wait we should negotiate with ANP student wing killers!
never get surprised with MEhrishka ! u know y she shows a pic in her profile with women feet ? because her brain lies down their and her upper storey is Empty:P
And for not asking the admin ANP has right to shot them ? What a Noora Logic.
how come you did not comment on ANP for trying to kill those who wanted to change The FLAG with that of PAKISTAN not PTI
hiding the true pic ?
Why ? whats ur reason ?
PTI has got votes for Peace and Peace always comes through dialogue. USA failed to bring peace in afghanistan in 10 years.
we failed to bring peace in swat either. its just that we conquered swat back from militants. Want to check if ARMY succeed in bringing peace in Swat call back the troops without this dialogue and lets see how much Army war brokered peace is there in swat
wow u can do anatomy of human body from far away!(bigsmile)
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