یہ مرزائی ہے قادیانی ہے مرزے کو اپنا پیغمبر رسول اور مسیح موعود مانتا ہے دہرئے سے بھی بدتر ہے اور مرتد ہے یہ بے غیرتdid someone check where Bajwa was born and what kind of company he had before joining army. He might not be a Muslim. there are a lot of secretly dahriaz (who don't believe in God) and get funds from America. These funds don't come directly and some dahriaz end up in America all of sudden
I will stick with what Allah and Prophet Muhammad would expect of me. For you, life will have a way of going full circle, so feel at home in wrapping your tongue around some kosher testicles.Don’t know what is in the video but we are not Thaikadars of Palestinians
When Arabs are ok then why should we bother ?
No I don’t have imrandoo hobbies so you keep doing your tongue businessI will stick with what Allah and Prophet Muhammad would expect of me. For you, life will have a way of going full circle, so feel at home in wrapping your tongue around some kosher testicles.
Pakistanis should Know their enemy, it’s not Americans, it’s Bajwa, Americans are zero without Bajwa.
4 decades of latching on to every brand of testicles, military and mafia alike, is a boon enough for your glorious resume; Past the accolade, your entire argument is nothing more than a bunch of malarky coming right from an even worse egocentric selfish. As if after having successfully coerced every single and significant so-called Islamic country in to submission, Israelis are just passionately waiting for Pakistan to recognize them prior to their being chums with Palestinians! What did you take to get this high????? Besides, Pakistan loses the case of Kashmir the day it recognizes Israel.No I don’t have imrandoo hobbies so you keep doing your tongue business
On topic : when arabs are normalising relations then what our issue ? It’s only normalisation which can lead to easing out of daily life in Palestinians, so why not ?
4 decades of latching on to every brand of testicles, military and mafia alike, is a boon enough for your glorious resume; Past the accolade, your entire argument is nothing more than a bunch of malarky coming right from an even worse egocentric selfish. As if after having successfully coerced every single and significant so-called Islamic country in to submission, Israelis are just passionately waiting for Pakistan to recognize them prior to their being chums with Palestinians! What did you take to get this high????? Besides, Pakistan loses the case of Kashmir the day it recognizes Israel.
باندر دی بُنڈ لال ویکھ کے اپنی چنڈاں مار کے نیئںکر لئ دی
That gandoo has successfully turned you in to half ape. A loser with no self esteem like you must save this BS for his own kids……; just how to be a perfect loser!Are we winning or do we look like winning our Kashmir case ? Now don’t tell me that 30 seconds silence on every Friday was going to liberate Kashmir
You imrandoos have no serious answers
That’s the down side of quoting Imrandoos. No logic only filth in their mindsThat gandoo has successfully turned you in to half ape. A loser with no self esteem like you must save this BS for his own kids……; just how to be a perfect loser!
Last time low self esteemed loser: Are you teaching your kids also as how to be a perfect loser?That’s the down side of quoting Imrandoos. No logic only filth in their minds
Last time : Are we winning or do we look like winning our Kashmir case ? Now don’t tell me that 30 seconds silence on every Friday was going to liberate Kashmir
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