B Bilal Raza Prime Minister (20k+ posts) Jun 29, 2018 #1 https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=2035130516740221 Featured Thumbs https://i.imgur.com/5gVZTMP.png
T taban Chief Minister (5k+ posts) Jun 29, 2018 #3 ضرور اس حرامی نے پیسہ بنایا ہوگا اس سے اب بات بن نہیں رہی
S shah3145 Minister (2k+ posts) Jun 30, 2018 #4 Dubai mai Ilaj?:) he is from KPK and should have been treated in KPK. He is not patwari that he runs away to London or Dubai.
Dubai mai Ilaj?:) he is from KPK and should have been treated in KPK. He is not patwari that he runs away to London or Dubai.