Azadi March PTI is the most Historical moment of Pak and biggest threat to Status quo forces - Dr.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)

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MPA (400+ posts)
Shabash Dr. Farukh Saleem!

Note that in his first sentence Dr. sahib referred to D Chowk as AZADI CHOWK not as D Chowk! :-) Nice way of endorsing the Azadi Protest!

Imran Khan Zindabad!


Councller (250+ posts)
Something is not right, this guy was a staunch critic of PTI and always criticsed IK...whats up with this new found love???


Minister (2k+ posts)
Something is not right, this guy was a staunch critic of PTI and always criticsed IK...whats up with this new found love???
Hahahahhaah this is what i thought, we will witness inshallah many more to change their views towards pti, as their lefafa future is in great danger
