Welcome back brother.. Don't remember you too much as I'm quite new as well
Hahahaha :D Sudhar jao Root Bhai ;)
But Root knows about my self ;) Q root?
Abviously you are not a Pakistani according to your own sentense.No doubt you are an MQM lover. You went to Pakistan probably Karachi.....so congratulations for coming back.(samjnay waley samjh gai hongay.assalamoalykum to all the members and the forum administrators
sorry for my long absence cause was out of the country and gone to pakistan,any way back now and soon u will hear from me specialy mqm lovers. wassalam
Abviously you are not a Pakistani according to your own sentense.No doubt you are an MQM lover. You went to Pakistan probably Karachi.....so congratulations for coming back.(samjnay waley samjh gai hongay.
no who are you? are you another one of ammad's id? i can check if you want me to
yaar, MQM member hon gey siddiqui, tub ho to buch k agayey
just kidding (bigsmile)
kion bhai ap MQM lovers mae muft chuhaare bhantogey kia????? [hilar]
bhai aap mere bhi baad aaye ho....root joined about 3-4 months ago. You the same thing, unless you are a clone of Jury or something ;)
kion bhai ap MQM lovers mae muft chuhaare bhantogey kia????? [hilar]
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