assalamoalykum to everyone


MPA (400+ posts)
assalamoalykum to all the members and the forum administrators
sorry for my long absence cause was out of the country and gone to pakistan,any way back now and soon u will hear from me specialy mqm lovers. wassalam


MPA (400+ posts)
no problem at least one thing is common that we are brothers, if u go to video or disscusion section u will find my name,any way thanks for reply.


Minister (2k+ posts)
assalamoalykum to all the members and the forum administrators
sorry for my long absence cause was out of the country and gone to pakistan,any way back now and soon u will hear from me specialy mqm lovers. wassalam
Abviously you are not a Pakistani according to your own sentense.No doubt you are an MQM lover. You went to Pakistan probably congratulations for coming back.(samjnay waley samjh gai hongay.


MPA (400+ posts)
bahi shahid i am pakistani but currently living abroad,as for mqm lover soon u will find!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Abviously you are not a Pakistani according to your own sentense.No doubt you are an MQM lover. You went to Pakistan probably congratulations for coming back.(samjnay waley samjh gai hongay.

yaar, MQM member hon gey siddiqui, tub ho to buch k agayey

just kidding (bigsmile)

Jawad Rectified

Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
no who are you? are you another one of ammad's id? i can check if you want me to

LMAO, Ammad is a young guy of this forum :D
I am much older as compare to Ammad..
Wese mujhe ban kiya tha Starting mein hi bhool gae ? Ya bhool ne ka bahana :D

Ammad Hafeez

Minister (2k+ posts)
bhai aap mere bhi baad aaye ho....root joined about 3-4 months ago. You the same thing, unless you are a clone of Jury or something ;)

Ahan, Yehan You are the administer of this forum.. Any ways, Are you embarrassing with me, coz i'm defending here MQM.. hmm?
