ASI Police Kher Muhammed suspended for dancing in public during rain


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
The only flaw I can see hre is that police cannot show any political affiliations. Other than that, if it was merely for dancing, the suspension is absurd.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
ASI Cannot dance on PPP Song but Police and people like Rao Anwar can do killings on PPP Leader Asif Zardari Instructions?? What a justice ..


Senator (1k+ posts)
ASI Cannot dance on PPP Song but Police and people like Rao Anwar can do killings on PPP Leader Asif Zardari Instructions?? What a justice ..
two wrongs does not make a right. When he is in Uniform he is representative of the administration. He should remain neutral. If he needs to dance on political songs do it offduty and without the uniform


Minister (2k+ posts)
جس مقصد کے لئے ڈانس کیا تھا وہ رنگ لائے گا، کراچی ٹریفک پولیس کے مستقبل کا آئی جی


Senator (1k+ posts)
Never heard before in any ppp jalsa.
you havent heard bija teer bija in a PPP jalsa ? I am shocked. I am guessing you are not from Sindh. The PPP rallies in Sindh are what you might say more devoted and consist of hardcore jiyalas, while in other provinces, PPP is just another political party, so the leaders there are not that bonded with the party, maybe thats why they dont use this song as much, otherwise in Sindh (inc Karachi) this is their anthem, even non supporters like me enjoy this song.
