Arshad Sharif admires PM Imran for publicizing the inquiry report

Last Gladiator

Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
جہانگیر ترین کا چینی بحران کی رپوٹ میں نام آنا اس حکومت کی نا اہلی ہے ورنہ ہمارا دورحکومت ہوتا تو اب تک تو ریکارڈ کو آگ لگ چکی ہوتی۔‬
‫ ن لیگ کا اعلامیہ


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
He use to be normal he changed last few weeks ago, what do you think?
Well I think most of Pakistani anchors are for sale and if the price is right they will do a program or two proving that even their own mother was a gushti before he was born.
He was doing OK till he decided to be a part of the group making fun of IK's tiger force calling them dogs.
After social media nick- named him Arshad Dog Sharif and his ratings went down, he is now trying to be nice to IK hoping to get a bone or two?....but no matter what, his new nick is now going to stay with him for ever..... ?