Scince Pakistan peoples party and Asif Zardari government is not serious in solving Load shading the army should take over and declaired mini marshelaw to run these plant in full capacity before it is too late.further Army may start a criminal and transparent inquiry by a honest officer as what are the real causes to not to supply electric and to kill Pakistan economy and what and who are the real beneficiaries for a destabilized Pakistan and report to the media and Pakistan public within 90 days. as every one knows and it is open fact that the money can not be a justification for to cut electric as hundred and thousand of Pakistanis can heart or die in hospitals and loss hundred of thousand rupees in factories and lose jobs, what leads to many other social and micro economical crises what will and is leading a civil war in Pakistan, If God forbidden a civil War broke the first victim of the war is Army because so many countries will take advantage of the situation to break Army of Pakistan what up until now is a big defiance of Pakistan.As it is not a unkwon that Nawaz league and and Asif Zardari are both is a part of the dirty conspiracy and making fools with lies and fraudlent statement shuch as demand and supply and or this did not pay that and that did not start plant therefor ethe electric is not produce , this issues is gone be owned the politic now it is a civil war and peoples are justified in this war therefore Pakistan Army Chief should and must have to take an action and if because Americans they don't want to through this corrupt government and protect the thieves at least the officers who will be victim in civil war should stand up and do some thing to solve the power crises before they will become victim of a uprising.