Army should go back to barracks - Exchange of Harsh Words Between Orya Maqbool Jan & Nasarullah Malik


Councller (250+ posts)
Nasrullah Malik ki takleef dekhi ni jati :cry:, please fauj ko election mein use na kro :sorry:.

Zaidi Qasim

Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Khich kay rukho Malik sahib. These are the GHQ poodles.... They won't listen but shout together .... Lol


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Malik does not have a valid point! According to him, if 75,000 police managed 2013 election why can't they now?
Orya Maqbol Jan answered brilliantly, Police could not afford to deploy more than 75000 because they have total strength including rangers about 4,75,000. Obviously, all 100% police force could not be deployed for election as they have other jobs to do.

Now, to Malik's point, if 75,000 police managed 2013 election why can't they now? the answer is that Police could not afford more than 75000 force to be deployed for election hence Noora Dakoo league was able to rig the elections. Four constituencies recounting as per Imran request proved rigging in all four constituencies by Noora league.

These Haram Khor journalist are becoming hysterical because army will make sure to conduct fair and free election by deploying 4,71,000 troops (average 3 troops at one polling booth) , and these Lifafa Journalist will not be able to get Lifafas from their masters if they loose elections!

May Allah send all these Lifafa Journalist to worst kind of Hell (Aameen).
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MPA (400+ posts)
Pakistan Army is like a bastard child of Pakistan

It is the Army that hanged the guy who worked tirelessly to release their coward 100,000 POWs and brought them home with respect.

What else you can expect from them.

Zaidi Qasim

Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Pakistan Army is like a bastard child of Pakistan

It is the Army that hanged the guy who worked tirelessly to release their coward 100,000 POWs and brought them home with respect.

What else you can expect from them.

Ungrateful, power hungry, mercenaries . Dying for US dollar, selling their own citizens for $ 500.00 each . Allowing their own territories to be bombed by drones, clinging to the posts like stubborn sobs after the Abbotabad incident .


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Naheen Apki Bhagori Maryam Khottee Sharif Ko

Malik Dalla!!!
Tumhay bhe


Minister (2k+ posts)
اوریا مقبول جان اپنی زبان سے فوجی بوٹ چاٹتا ہے اور پھر اپنی داڑھی سے ان کو صاف کرتا ہے، بہت بڑا بوٹ پالشیا ہے یہ مذہبی جاہل۔۔۔


Senator (1k+ posts)
Dirty piss drinking khatri shuddars dalits supporting noora should be enough evidence to not support the traitorous bastards. Haram khors pay Allah ki laanat.


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Is morally, spiritually corrupt N Malik ka face ghor se Dekho..5 waqt Namazo ke bawjod..phatkar nazar ati ha..Allah Mujhay ur ham sab ko maaf karay ke hamaray emaal ur qoulo fehail m kitni munafiqat sab morally, spiritually, financially corrupt journalists ki ha..di band honey jaa rahi Rona peetna aisay nhi start howa..
