Army not backing Imran Khan & PTI Sit-in :- Haroon Rasheed

Baabay Haroon Tateeri ko ici baat ka dukh hai ke poori fauj Imran Khan ko kyun support nahin kar rahi ...jab tak Raheel support na karay tab tak Zaheer aur Pasha ki support ka kia faaida :)
Keh kon raha h[hilar][hilar]

Jo Pasha ka courier tha jab Pasha Party 2010 mein bani or Funds start hui

Abhi be Establishment mein Pasha ky hakla habab set rabta kar Haroon Rasheed h

Mubashsir Lucman (ARY), Nadeem Malik (SAMA), Fawad Chaudary kay alawa


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Zaheer is retiring in October after that bubble of PTI will be fully deflated

Baabay Haroon Tateeri ko ici baat ka dukh hai ke poori fauj Imran Khan ko kyun support nahin kar rahi ...jab tak Raheel support na karay tab tak Zaheer aur Pasha ki support ka kia faaida :)
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Minister (2k+ posts)
That's for sure. From what Army has done so far, even a fool could understand that, in fact, Army has been backing up Nawaz govt, either intentionally or otherwise.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
The list of things HR says that he has clear evidence about wrongdoing or treachery or scheming that he will someday write about is getting very very long.

He always gets out of things by saying that I have solid evidence about an event or whatever but he can't reveal it now but will write about it some other time or if time permits then may be write a book. Meanwhile the country goes to the dogs.....
