The Middle East is the most important of the regions referred to by our Prophet (saas) in the context of events that will take place in the end times. Indeed, the majority of the portents described in the hadiths have happened in the Middle East. In addition, there are a great many other accounts from our Prophet (saas) regarding the region. Looked at in general, the common feature of these accounts is that the chaos, strife, and major events in the lands of the Middle East will continue until the appearance of the Mahdi. Throughout history, the Middle East, which includes such cities as Mecca, Medina, Jerusalem, Damascus, Baghdad, and Istanbul, has been a region in which the holy prophets of Allah have lived, one which witnessed the birth of the three monotheistic religions, and a holy region in which the sacred sites of all three religions were built. It is reported in hadiths that a region that has always played a leading role on the stage of history will also come to the fore in the end times, when glorious events will take place.
The Middle East, which includes such countries as present-day Iraq, Iran, Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Palestine, and parts of Turkey, has been enormously valuable throughout history, both in terms of its strategic location and material wealth and also because of its spiritual aspect and importance for the three monotheistic religions.
The Middle East, which includes such countries as present-day Iraq, Iran, Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Palestine, and parts of Turkey, has been enormously valuable throughout history, both in terms of its strategic location and material wealth and also because of its spiritual aspect and importance for the three monotheistic religions.
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