Apples Two New iPhones: The iPhone 5S And The iPhone 5C


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
According to the tech rumor mill, September 10th will see the launch of two new iPhones the 5S and the 5C. New iPhones for certain people are an exciting event (anyone for queuing outside the Apple store for 5 days?), but this launch is particularly significant as the 5C is going to be a budget version of the iPhone, which is a significant change to Apples strategy.

Firstly, what about the 5S well, it will be similar to a 5, but with a faster processor, an improved camera (apparently 12 megapixel) and fingerprint recognition which I think it is quite a cool feature, although it didnt catch on with laptops. But I think the 5C is the more interesting proposition.

The iPhone is a very popular device, but Apple has been losing market share to Android devices particularly Samsung devices. The 5C is designed to try to take some share away from Samsung by positioning their phone at a cheaper price point.

Previously, Apple has relied on frequently releasing new models and being able to sell the older models off at a cheaper price. But this tactic has not been working of late it seems that consumers want the new phone but without the hefty Apple price tag.

Apparently the C in 5C stands for colour (no, not cheap!) initial colours are said to be blue, red, yellow and green and should give the 5C a more funky and young feel. However, if you are a lawyer for Apple I have good news. These colours are the same as those of the Google logo, so expect another protracted legal battle between the two tech foes. It is also likely to have more of a plastic feel than the 5 or 5S.

I think this is a significant change in strategy for Apple. It has struggled to gain penetration in the emerging markets, but it still a desirable brand. The challenge for Apple now will shift. If it is able to price the 5C to compete with Samsung, the question for consumers is whether they prefer the iOS or Android operating systems. And this makes the release of iOS7 even more important for Apples growth.



Senator (1k+ posts)
yar in se koi khey k bus yar Iphone se ab chir churney lug pari hai. hur saal aik cheez mein particular feature add ker k logoun ko kush ker dete hein, or log b uper se badshah hein.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Sab aisay Iphone kay peechay bhaag rahay hain jaisay "Made in Pakistan" hay....boss if you are purchasing expensive phones you are inviting all the thugs after yourself which is very insecure and secondly Pakistanis are wasting so much money on foreign exchange by importing these phones which is bad for our any mobile phone which is inexpensive or which is made in Pakistan.


Senator (1k+ posts)
ای فون تو صرف فیشن کے لیے ہوتا ہے اور اسکا فائدہ کوئی نہیں ہوتا


Minister (2k+ posts)
Getting tired of IPHone. No major features added yet they keep doing re-launch. Trying to sell old wine with better packaging at even more price. Samsung All the way for my next cell.


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
I am sick n tired of chnaging phones with new phones keep coming, wtf, in the end all of us fail to realize its just a phone, next time we should buy if it becomes a miniairplane for transportation, otherwise dont waste time and money(bigsmile)


Senator (1k+ posts)
Sab aisay Iphone kay peechay bhaag rahay hain jaisay "Made in Pakistan" hay....boss if you are purchasing expensive phones you are inviting all the thugs after yourself which is very insecure and secondly Pakistanis are wasting so much money on foreign exchange by importing these phones which is bad for our any mobile phone which is inexpensive or which is made in Pakistan.

Pakistan earns alot of tax via these phones also.
Do you want that all these rich people don't use their wealth and put it in banks so economy will just stop.


Senator (1k+ posts)
I am sick n tired of chnaging phones with new phones keep coming, wtf, in the end all of us fail to realize its just a phone, next time we should buy if it becomes a miniairplane for transportation, otherwise dont waste time and money(bigsmile)

Aur kon kon sa featurs chayian ma order kar data hon.


Voter (50+ posts)
Apple to announce 2 new I Phone today.

Apple is reportedly set to unveil two new versions of its iPhone at an event at its California headquarters, Tuesday.

However, the company hasnt disclosed whats on the agenda for the event, scheduled to begin at 1 p.m. EDT.

Technology specialist Mike Yawney is at the announcement at the companys headquarters in Cupertino, Calif. Follow his live blog below starting at noon ET.

SaaDi Malik

Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
Re: Apple to announce 2 new I Phone today.


From Left: iPhone 5, iPhone 5S, iPhone 5S, iPhone 5C....

Seriously, hate this new apple marketing technique of leaking images before the announcement...
