I have very carefully listen to the audio tape of Hamid Mir I have not seen anything unlawfull in the tape.He is just asking some questions from the person on the phone which is not illegal in journalism.He is journalist and he is the right to get information from any source and then share it with the people around the world this is what journalim.Now there are people who are against the media and specially against some of the anchors whor are contantly informing the peolpe of pakistan agsint the corruption stories of those who are involved.I give all credits to GENERAL MUSHARAF for his freedom given to the media.It is becuase of that person who did thi job.I m not upporting the GENERAL but he did a lot of good things.Time has changed everybody should realised it now look ahead and expose all those who are selling this country and we all know who are corrupt .I fully upport Hamid Mir.keep it up Hamid Mir expose those who are on the foreign payroll.Now no one can stop you.Count down for ssuch people have already begun.May ALLAH protect our country and the people of pakistan from all bad.
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