Angry PPP worker shows shoe to Law minister Sindh Ayaz Somroo


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)


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Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Re: ایاز سومرو کو جوتا

پیپلز پارٹی کو جوتا دکھانے سے کام نہیں چلے گا اب ان کی ٹھکائی کر کے جوتوں کے ہار ڈالنے ہونگے
اور ہار میں ان کا اپنا جوتا بھی شامل ہو


Minister (2k+ posts)
Re: ایاز سومرو کو جوتا

اب پی پی پی کی چھترول کا وقت آگیا ہے
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Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
سندھ میں لوگوں کے پاس پہلے اتنے آپشنس نہیں تھے جتنے اب ہیں ، پہلے تو پی پی پی اور ایم کیو ایم ہی تھے مگر اب عمران اور نواز شریف نے یہاں لوگوں کو اختیار دے دیا ہے ، مجھے یقین ہے اس بار پی پی پی کو سندھ میں بوہت بڑا جھٹکا لگنے والا ہے


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
I never understood PPPP supporters, they will defend anything their leadrs have done or they are doing presently. If zardari started lifting people daughters like badmash have a habit of doing a PPPP supporter is sure to defend that as well.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
AS YOU SOW SO SHALL YOU REAP... now for what you are crying

I read in the NEWS this JIALA said that PPP government have not given Jobs to PPP workers....
Does it show that he sold votes for Jobs without merit???
PPP has the history of recruiting their incompetent JIALAS in the offices thus spoiling the PIA Railway, Teaching Profession and so on....

Someone should show JOOTA to these JIALAS as well

saeed khan

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
aik to hamarey haan TCs bohat hain.
bajay is ke keh sab mil kar wazir ko pakar kar us ki dhulai kartey, becharay sharif aadmi ko pakar lya. Aisay logon per l.a.n.a.t


(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم
I never understood PPPP supporters, they will defend anything their leadrs have done or they are doing presently. If zardari started lifting people daughters like badmash have a habit of doing a PPPP supporter is sure to defend that as well.
zardari boley ga kidnaping khuppay aur supporter clapping karey gaa
