Analyst : Iranian gas is no panacea for Pakistan - Article by Daniel .J.Graeber


Minister (2k+ posts)
The author seems right , My Wapda sources tell me that Iranian rates pertain to another era of expensive gas , and LNG, I was told that last year Iran refused to supply at rates wanted by Pakistan, there was difference of some dollars. Outside Wapda sources feel that like the author that theft is colossal in oil and gas sector .

Huge amount of furnace oil is stolen in transit , PSO gasoline situation is not good due to its monopoly , and electricity supplied by IPP is not what appears on paper and paid for. However in my view the only solution is to allow private power companies to generate and directly supply the consumer . This 20% line losses is not the only real reason of electricity cost there is much huge theft in the whole cycle of oil buying , storage , etc . Losses perhaps touch 50%.

Good amendments in the electricity act 1910 and removal of WAPDA monopoly on actually charging consumer directly is first step to cheap electricity and allowing big storage of oil and gas to non state companies is the next step.


Analyst: Iranian gas no panacea for Pakistan

Pakistan facing chronic energy shortages that can't be addressed with a single pipeline.


Building a pipeline from Iran may help Pakistani energy issues, but it won't be a cure-all for chronic woes, analyst says. UPI/Hamid Forotan/ISNA | License Photo

BATH, England, July 30 (UPI) -- Completing a natural gas pipeline from Iran won't be the "silver bullet" expected by the government in Islamabad, analysis finds.

Iran, the five permanent members of the U.N. Security Council, plus Germany, finalized a deal July 14 that restricts Tehran's nuclear ambitions in exchange for relief from sanctions targeting its energy sector. For Iran, it may open the spigot on natural gas reserves, which could help address chronic energy shortages in neighboring Pakistan.
Oliver Coleman, deputy head of Asia programs at analytical firm Verisk Maplecroft, said in a briefing that while both sides of the pipeline have lauded its benefits, it won't address the long-term issue completely.

"A steady supply of gas from Iran would not be a silver bullet for Pakistan's energy crisis," he said. "Woeful energy sector governance is perhaps an even more debilitating factor than supply, with risks including rampant theft, poor maintenance, and transmission and distribution losses of around 20 percent."

Even if the pipeline is completed in Pakistan, Coleman said national distribution networks likely wouldn't be able to handle the additional volumes of natural gas coming from Iran.

The Asian Development Bank in February said it was supporting efforts to help Pakistan build its first liquefied natural gas terminal with a $30 million loan. With the LNG facility, the bank said the Pakistan government would save about $1 billion per year on its fuel import bills.

The ADB in the past has lent its support to a multilateral natural gas pipeline that would stretch from Turkmenistan, an option favored by the U.S. government over the Iranian project.

Pakistan last year moved away from the Iranian gas pipeline project, saying it was unable to generate revenue needed for the development of the project because of sanctions. Coleman said its completion, however, could fill some gaps in the Pakistani energy sector because Iranian natural gas could be "significantly" less expensive than LNG imports.
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Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
نے اگر کہا ہے تو ٹھیک ہی کھا ہوگا ہمارے اکثر دوست آج کل اسی قسم کے لوگوں سے رہنمائی لے رہے ہیں


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
​Those in the know have said that from the begging that Iran will never sell cheap gas to Pakistan and if someone wants to put a wager that India will be provided the same gas at cheaper rates then I am up for it.


MPA (400+ posts)
Geo-Economic and Geo-Political Implications

There are several benefits that IP Gas Pipeline may bring for Pakistan. The detail of some of these benefits is as under.
• The IP gas pipeline is an important, component of Pakistan’s overall energy requirement mix. It will help Pakistan to overcome its energy crisis by filling the gap between supply and demand. It will not only help minimize natural gas shortage of 1,000 to 1,500 mcfd but will also meet the shortage of 5000 to 6000 MW electricity.
• In total, the IP would cost around $3 billion to Pakistan but it would reduce oil imports by $5.3 billion, and help buy oil for another $2.3 billion, thus saved.
• It will help to preserve declining indigenous gas reserves of Pakistan which are expected to deplete by 2020.
• If Pakistan did not opt for pipeline projects then it would have to face even more serious consequences than the ones US was likely to impose on Pakistan in case of doing gas project with Iran.
• The imported gas from Iran will help replace the costly furnace oil being used as fuel in power houses in Pakistan that will help to save one billion dollars per annum. There is a clause in the agreement that if Pakistan arranges import of gas from other states at lower price than Iran will also do that accordingly.
• The project will provide job opportunities in Balochistan and Sindh.
• Pakistan can earn transit fee if the pipeline is extended to third country, i.e., India and China.
• Gas supply to power sector has been diminishing. Power sector would be key beneficiary from IP Gas pipeline.
• Starting of this project with Iran will also open new avenues for cooperation. Iran has proposed that an electricity transmission network can be built next to pipeline, connecting electricity grid of Iran with that of Pakistan, India and China and offered to sell electricity at a subsidised rate. Iran with the cooperation of Pakistan’s State Oil (PSO) will also invest four billion dollars to build an oil refinery at Gwadar Port having refining capacity of 400,000 barrels of oil per day (Stratrisks, 2013).
• The Iran-Pakistan gas pipeline deal would have provided 21.5 million cubic meters of natural gas for Pakistan on a daily basis, starting in late 2014. The pipeline could eventually be extended to India, which was also a partner in the deal before. In such eventuality, not only Pakistan but also economically growing and energy-starved India will benefit, and, consequently, India-Pakistan peace will flourish and the whole of South Asia will see the sort of stability the United States and the rest of the international community aspires for the region.
• Keeping in view that excess gas of 350 mcfd may be available after fulfilling needs of power sector, the fertilizers and captive power units in textiles and chemicals likely to be the key beneficiaries. While the government has already committed gas to fertilizer plants on SNGPL network, it is believed that a share of the excess can be diverted to FFBL urea plant which is currently operating at 50 percent capacity.
• Sectarian BridgeOne critical aspect of the Iran-Pakistan pipeline is the simple fact that it will bring sectarian harmony in Pakistan
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Senator (1k+ posts)
​Those in the know have said that from the begging that Iran will never sell cheap gas to Pakistan and if someone wants to put a wager that India will be provided the same gas at cheaper rates then I am up for it.

We the People are not sure what to believe now. Some analyst say Gas from Iran would be cheaper for Pakistan and some say it would be expensive... Govt. of Pakistan should put these Experts together to discuss the Pro's and Con's of this Gas Pipeline and whether Pakistan will benefit from it or will be at disadvantage. Govt. Should come to a conclusion after the report of these Experts from both sides. So People can for sure understand what is good for our country.

Iran Gas Pipeline is exactly like Kalabagh damn..some experts oppose it and some experts agree to it. Both sides give Number's which we the common people doesn't understand. At the end, what is good for Pakistan only should be considered.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
بالکل جھوٹ بول رہے ہیں یہ واپڈا کے حرامخور کتیرے ،دراصل یہ عادی ہو چکے ہیں کک بیکس کے جو چینی کمپنیوں سے مل جاتے ہیں پر ایرانی اس کرپشن کے عادی نہیں رہے، انکو کسی بھی ریٹ پر گیس ملے وہ باہر کی نسبت سستی پڑے گی کیونکہ شپنگ کے اخراجات سے یہ بچ جائیں گے
میرے خیال سے اس بڑے پراجیکٹ کو شروع کروانے کیلئے ایکبار پھر جنرل راحیل کا ڈنڈا ضروری ہے جیسے دہشت گردی اور کرپشن کے معاملات میں حکومت معذوروں سے بھی بدتر پرفارمنس دے رہی تھی لیکن جنرل کا ڈنڈا انہیں تیز کر گیا اسی طرح ادھر بھی ہونا چاہئے


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
واپڈا کے حرامخور کتورے ایک دوسری وجہ سے بھی انرجی کرائسز جاری رکھنا چاہتے ہیں اور وہ وجہ یہ ہے کہ جتنے بھی پرائیویٹ بجلی بنانے والے ہیں وہ انہی میں سے ہیں ، جب گیس آئے گی تو اس سے بجلی سستی بنے گی نیز گھریلو صارفین اپنے جنریٹرز سے گھر میں بجلی بنا کریں گے لہذا انکی چھٹی ہوجاۓ گی
