An Eye opener Analysis of Muslim Ummah


Minister (2k+ posts)
An Eye opener Analysis of Muslim Ummah & Imran khan

Imran Khan praises Javed Ghamidi

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Senator (1k+ posts)
جناب عرض ہے کے بیشک عمران خان اس شخص کی باتوں کو اہمیت دیتے ہیں مگر یہ لازم نہیں ہے کے جو عمران خان بولے ہم اس پر آنکھیں بند کر کے یقین کر لیں امام ابو حنیفہ:rahm: کا قول ہے اگر کوئی بات آپ کی قرآن اور سنّت کے خلاف ہو اس کو اٹھا کر دیوار پر دے مارو تو جناب یہ غامدی صاحب کس کھیت کی مولی ہیں
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Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
Dear Afraheem, just to correct you on one thing this saying is not from Imam Abu Hanifah, its from Imaam al-Shafiee:

He said: If I say something then compare it to the Book of Allaah and the sunnah of His messenger (صلى الله عليه وسلم) and if it agrees with them, then accept it and that which goes against them, then reject it and throw my saying against the wall!

He also said: He said: There is no one who will not be unaware of some of the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allaah (صلى الله عليه وسلم). Whatever I say or whatever guidelines I establish, if there is a report from the Messenger of Allaah (صلى الله عليه وسلم) which is different to what I said, then what matters is what the Messenger of Allaah (صلى الله عليه وسلم) said, and that is my opinion.

But you are right as Imam Abu Hanifah was also of the same opinion that If I say something that goes against the Book of Allaah or the report of the Messenger (صلى الله عليه وسلم), then ignore what I say.
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Bhai Hanafi jo hayn wo Quran ki nahin mantay aagay Imam sahib kay . :) 3 talaq ka masla daikh layn
جناب عرض ہے کے بیشک عمران خان اس شخص کی باتوں کو اہمیت دیتے ہیں مگر یہ لازم نہیں ہے کے جو عمران خان بولے ہم اس پر آنکھیں بند کر کے یقین کر لیں امام ابو حنیفہ:rahm: کا قول ہے اگر کوئی بات آپ کی قرآن اور سنّت کے خلاف ہو اس کو اٹھا کر دیوار پر دے مارو تو جناب یہ غامدی صاحب کس کھیت کی مولی ہیں


Senator (1k+ posts)
Dear Afraheem, just to correct you on one thing this saying is not from Imam Abu Hanifah, its from Imaam al-Shafi’ee:

He said: “If I say something then compare it to the Book of Allaah and the sunnah of His messenger (صلى الله عليه وسلم) and if it agrees with them, then accept it and that which goes against them, then reject it and throw my saying against the wall!”

He also said: He said: “There is no one who will not be unaware of some of the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allaah (صلى الله عليه وسلم). Whatever I say or whatever guidelines I establish, if there is a report from the Messenger of Allaah (صلى الله عليه وسلم) which is different to what I said, then what matters is what the Messenger of Allaah (صلى الله عليه وسلم) said, and that is my opinion.”

But you are right as Imam Abu Hanifah was also of the same opinion that If I say something that goes against the Book of Allaah or the report of the Messenger (صلى الله عليه وسلم), then ignore what I say.امام-مالک-امام-ابو-حنیفہ-،-امام-شافعی-اور-1575

جناب بہت بہت شکریہ الله:subhanahu:

آپ کو اس کا آجر دے

جزاک الله خیر
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Senator (1k+ posts)
Bhai Hanafi jo hayn wo Quran ki nahin mantay aagay Imam sahib kay . :) 3 talaq ka masla daikh layn

جناب آپ جس مسلے کی جانب اشارہ کر رے ہیں میرا علم اس معاملے میں ناقص ہے اور غلط بات کر کے مجھے اپنی قبر میں انگارے نہیں بھرنے اگر آپ کے پاس کوئی تفصیل موجود ہے تو بیان کر کے میرا علم میں اضافہ کر دیں
جزاک الله خیر


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
I think analysis cannot be as effective as it could be unless it is clarified on basis of some solid foundation. Muslim community as a whole is in a terrible confusion regarding what islam is really based upon.

All muslims think is that islam is based upon quran and hadith and that is it. This is the cause of confusion. The reason is they discount the individual and his brain or the active agent. So long as people do not take human ability to reason as basis for thought process, confusion will remain.

Let me try and explain the fundamental basis for any argument in relation to brain and information. Brain is nothing without information to process. You cannot argue against that if you do you are stupid, in fact worst stupid than animals because having brain and not realising even this much of the reality throws one out of humanity.

The information is useless unless it is processed by a processing agent. Again one cannot argue with that unless one is brain dead.

So this establishes relationship between a human and the information a human comes across to process. Again no argument is possible against this reality.

The brain is all about having information, reasoning it out and then storing it back in to its memory for recalling it when prompted.

The brain learns how to work on any information it gets throughout its life time. The information normally comes to brain through senses ans senses get information from within the environment one finds oneself in through interaction with other existing things.

This builds human confidence in one's own abilities and helps one find out what one can or cannot do.

Only a stupid person would deny life experiences and take on make beliefs that have no basis whatsoever. This is why nothing should be believed that contradicts reasonable realities. Anyone who believes anything against verifiable realities is as good as brainless.

It is important to distinguish between realities and ideas that contradict them and the ideas that are obviously not known realities themselves but they do not contradict the accepted realities either. In short such ideas may be realities but we can neither verify them nor deny them.

To understand this explanation is necessary for proper understanding of the quran and the hadith. It shows very clearly that basis for human reasoning is brain and quran and the realities it talks about need to be understood in the context explained.

The reason is, if we knew everything all by ourselves then we needed no guidance of any sort of anyone including our parents and teachers or trainers and even God. It is because if you already are born fully aware of all things then why would you need anyone to guide you? This is very important point to realise.

The other point is, if we were born ignorant and incapable of learning then against the question is, why would we need any guidance of anyone when we could not make any use of it at all?

The way the world exists and the way we humans exist, it shows the whole thing works together ie we are placed in an environment to interact within it with whatever we find in there. This much should be clear to anyone who has ever thought about things.

This means there are things for which we need guidance and there are things we can find out for ourselves. However all is put together in such a way that one thing is useless without the other. This is why each thing that exists has a role to play in this world like actors in a movie play different characters. Here God has a role and man has a role and other things have their roles to fulfil in order to make the whole thing work as a one complete unit.

We therefore cannot put each and everything to do in role of God and sit tight ourselves absolved of all responsibilities whatsoever. This is why unless we read the quran and understand various roles properly we will remain confused and dangerous. Stupidity only leads to painful suffering and that is where we are ie in a lot of pain and suffering as a nation. I wonder when we are going to educate ourselves to be proper human beings the quran wants us to be.

This very basis explanation should make clear to us we have our roles to play and the quran and hadith also have their role and we need to be sensible enough to take advantage of that.

The quran can never be understood without knowing the rules of wisdom and resalities of real life in the real world. So people should make effort to try and learn the quran properly so that they could benefit from that learning otherwise stupid people are destined for painful suffering and no one can save them from that not even God himself. It is because God has assigned them a role to play so there is no escape. We cry all we like to God this is not going to help. When a mother potty trains a child if she was not basing it upon discipline then child will never learn how to use toilet. Just thinking crying will save us from trouble is utterly stupid instead we should be learning ways to get out the troubles or stay away from them in the first place.
