Aitizaz Ahsan's speech...some reflections


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
i heard aitizaz ahsan,s speech today...he is such a hypocrite (as all seculars are) that he on one hand supported nawaz shareef but also accused government of massive rigging in polls (though the truth is that ppp also won by rigging every time in past).
i was thinking that worse enemies of nawaz shareef are such mqm /ppp people who are actually spiritual children of ibn e saba ...they believe in scruple of "baghal main churri and moonh main raam raam...

infact nawaz shareef got benefit from his enemy javaid hashmi but his so called friends like ppp and mqm etc are weakening his governmemnt from inside...this shows how foolish shareefs are.

this is same aitizaz ahsan who promoted maha baharat in his book indus saga.
this is same aitizaz ahsan who was leading lawyers struggle from outside but at same time musharaf gave him millions of ruppees worth CNG license in his wife bushra aitizaz name...thats why being in lawyers struggle he tried to sabotage lawyers struggle from inside.this is how "honest" these islam baizar seculars like aitizaz are

such munafiqeenn and hypocrites are a nation,s worse enemy...if imran khan had some wisdom he had struggled against aitizaz ahsan like enemies of state and religion first...but it seems imran has no complain against secular people like aitizaz ahsan .aitizaz ahsan,s whole family is secular and islam baizaar so they are living like kings in pakistan .in pakistan r religious minded people live in constant azaab and torture and religious minded people are missing or murdered here daily .

but aitizaz ahsan like islam baizar enemy agents live like kings in pakistan ,peacefully and respectfully in this society.

may Allah punish the ones who are responsible for this.amen


Minister (2k+ posts)
Tell me something please.

It's clear the you have a problem with the concept of Mahabharata.

Can you kindly explain it to me? I love talking to people who have different view points and that's why I am asking you.

My question is what are you really against? Is it the name of the emporer Bharata, or is it the concept of a greater empire in South Asia, or is it the hatred of Hindu from a Muslim's perspective?


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
اعتزاز حسن کی چہ مگوئیاں

اس تھریڈ کو ضم نہ کریں


اعتزاز احسن کی چہ مگوئیاں

تاریخ گواہ ہے کہ اعتزاز احسن ھمیشہ زرداری کے تمام خلاف قوانین حرکات پر مکمل خاموش رہا

ایک پلئر جو دھاندلی کی بات کرتا ہے مگر اس کے حل پر بات نہیں کرتا

بار بار کہتا ہے کہ عمران کا موقف درست ہے مگر اس کا حل کیا ہے اسے نہیں معلوم

یہ لوگ آج تک حق کے لئے نہیں کھڑے ہوئے۔ ان کے قائد منی لانڈرنگ کرتے رہے، ان کی اپنی صفوں میں بیٹھے لوگ بدترین کرپشن کرتے رہے مگر یہ شخص نہ بولا۔

اس وقت اسے آئین کی اور پاکستانی قوانین کی کوئی شق نظر نہیں آتی۔

آج میں تحریک انصاف کا مزید جنونی ممبر بن گیا۔ آج میری جدوجہد اور طاقت میں اور اضافہ ہوا۔ یہ سب چور عرصے سے پاکستان کی جڑیں کاٹ رہے ہیں, ان کا علاج صرف اور صرف تحریک انصاف کے پاس ہے

آج اعتزاز حسن پاکستانی عوام کو بلوائی کہتا ہے، پاکستانی قوم کو بمبئی میں ریلوے اسٹیشن پر احتجاج کرنے والی مائی سے تشبہہ دیتا ہے۔

پہلے یہ کہتے رہے کہ دھرنے والوں کے پیچھے فوج ہے، آج یہ کہ رہا ہے کہ دھرنے والے یہ تاثر دے رہے ہیں کہ ان کے پیچھے فوج ہے- اچھا جی اب کل کونسی بونگی؟؟

اسے نہیں معلوم کہ کم از کم آٹھ ملین لوگوں کی آواز اس وقت اسلام آباد میں ہے۔ کس انسانی طاقت کے خلاف یہ بیٹھا بکواس جاری رکھے ہے ۔ انشا اللہ ان کا احتساب جلد ہونے والا ہے

انہیں معلوم ہے کہ کیا ہونے والا ہے اسی لئے یہ پوری قوت سے زور لگا رہے ہیں

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Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Re: اعتزاز حسن کی چہ مگوئیاں

yeh kut ta zardari ka wakeel tha. is se zyada yeh kisi aur ta'aruf ka mohtaj nahi.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Re: اعتزاز حسن کی چہ مگوئیاں

All criminal are desperate to save the system guaranteeing their corruption................He is a US mole and raise his voice as per instruction............


Minister (2k+ posts)
Re: اعتزاز حسن کی چہ مگوئیاں

آج میں تحریک انصاف کا مزید جنونی ممبر بن گیا۔ آج میری جدوجہد اور طاقت میں اور اضافہ ہوا۔ یہ سب چور عرصے سے پاکستان کی جڑیں کاٹ رہے ہیں, ان کا علاج صرف اور صرف تحریک انصاف کے پاس ہے

Aj Imran Khan se Janoon ki hadh se bhi ziayda ishq ho gaya hai,Puray Pakistan mein Khan jaisa Shahzada koi nhi...​



MPA (400+ posts)
Re: اعتزاز حسن کی چہ مگوئیاں

Asal mai es jaise LOG cheekhte ziada hain aur karte kuch nahi, Bus Baatain aur Kannon sare jahan k bataye ga par amal kisi baat par khud b nahi kare ga.


Senator (1k+ posts)
few questions to Ch Nisar and Ch aitzaz ahsan about the definition of terrorist and traitor

if the people who are protesting in front of parliament are terrorists then i have couple of questions to Ch. Aitzaaz and Ch. Cisaar:

1- these people are fighting for justice. They seek justice for the their loved ones who are murdered in model town. What about those PMLN workers who invaded the supreme court and terrorise the courts and supreme court judges? Are they qualified for the definition of terrorist as well? if they are terrorists then why Nawas sharif is sitting in the parliament?

2- when Benazir was assassinated, the whole country was put to siege. Open shooting and firing across the whole country & roads were blocked. PPPP workers wanted to separate from the federation (even Zulafiqaar Mirza said it live on TV). Was it okay to do that because Benazir Bhutto's life was more precious and the 17 people who were brutally murdered have no rights to even seek justice? Were they also traitors or only these common people qualify for being called as traitors?

please reply!


Councller (250+ posts)
Re: اعتزاز حسن کی چہ مگوئیاں

He lost his respect when he became the solicitor for Zardari...He's no longer an inspiration for me. End of Story! (thumbsdown)


Minister (2k+ posts)
Re: اعتزاز حسن کی چہ مگوئیاں

He agreed that NS is corrupt, NS is PM cause of rigged election, NS govt is responsible for 18 murders, NS is unable to handle the situation, still he supports NS for the sake of his and his party's share in corruption, they (all corrupts) have joined hands but ppl of pakistan are still scattered, we are not joining IK, love you khan sb, aap great ho, aaj aap jeet gaey, pakistani awam haar gaey, ghulaam ibne ghulaam rehnay waley


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Re: few questions to Ch Nisar and Ch aitzaz ahsan about the definition of terrorist and traitor

The only terrorist party in Pakistan is PMLN (aka Gullu Butt League). The massacre in model town and the murders in Islamabad have unmasked the real terrorists.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Re: few questions to Ch Nisar and Ch aitzaz ahsan about the definition of terrorist and traitor

Ch aitzaz sb would you please like to tell the people of Pakistan when you hand over the lists of sikh to india is that act is patriotism with Pakistan.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Re: ?????? ??? ?? ?? ???????

He agreed that NS is corrupt, NS is PM cause of rigged election, NS govt is responsible for 18 murders, NS is unable to handle the situation, still he supports NS for the sake of his and his party's share in corruption, they (all corrupts) have joined hands but ppl of pakistan are still scattered, we are not joining IK, love you khan sb, aap great ho, aaj aap jeet gaey, pakistani awam haar gaey, ghulaam ibne ghulaam rehnay waley

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Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Re: اعتزاز حسن کی چہ مگوئیاں

He is a mahaaa corrupt himself, he protected Zerdari and his loot. no one should ever trust him.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Re: اعتزاز حسن کی چہ مگوئیاں

اس ذہین چہرے کے پیچھے کیسا بددیانت چہرہ چھپا ہے یہ سب پر آہستہ آہستہ عیاں ہوتا جا رہا ہے
عمران خان پر دل و جان قربان جسے مخالف بھی سچا اور دیانت دار کہتے ہیں


MPA (400+ posts)
Re: اعتزاز حسن کی چہ مگوئیاں

ریاست ہو گی ماں کے جیسی عدل بنا جمہور نا ہو گا..مینوں نوٹ وہا میرا موڈ بنڑے ...منجانب اعتزاز احسن
