Agar PTI nay Nazibah Zuban Istimal Kie tu Mazrat khawa hein: PTI Leaders press conference in Lahore | 17 July 2018


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
This is the moment to show your self different from all these whom people consider less educated, less mannered, less cultured, less informed than IK.
Please do not use this as an excuse that because PML"N" or PPP has used foul language so we also were compelled to react the same way. Remember you are the change that people wants to bring, so show the change and difference every day in every field


MPA (400+ posts)
This is the moment to show your self different from all these whom people consider less educated, less mannered, less cultured, less informed than IK.
Please do not use this as an excuse that because PML"N" or PPP has used foul language so we also were compelled to react the same way. Remember you are the change that people wants to bring, so show the change and difference every day in every field

Well said. My sentiments exactly

Ok and others need to choose their words carefully in rallies and press conferences

As they say ,“The first step in solving a problem is recognizing there is one”
