Afghanistan gives $1 million to Pakistan flood victims


Minister (2k+ posts)
We are very great ful for this aid ,and our president personally thanked Mr karzai for this aid...You are not even respected by the afghan people but you are there to create trouble for us. Indians have no morals and that is why hindus are the least respected race and religion in the world. What else can u expect from a pathetic race such as the hindus ,they take pleasure at the suffering of innocent people. When mumbai topi drama happens they cry like bitches to the world.

You are a moron that is all I can say. WE don't need your advice or judgment. Worry about what is happening in your Country. Go and save your Muslim brothers than worrying about Hindus.


Minister (2k+ posts)
Ego is still here. We are no begging to Afghanistan or Indian. If Pakistan is fighting the war of Terror for the sake of Whole World and we have been suffered about 50 Bn$, then this the reponsibility of World Community to help us in this problem otherwise their own world would be no more safe.

That was a good joke from you to state that your Country is fighting for World.


Minister (2k+ posts)
hey chipmunk ...sorry jimpack ... now it's clear why US announced 74 million aid package ...number looked weird , NOT ANYMORE THOUGH !!! they were gonna announce 75 mil but then decided to et afghan do a million to make it 75 even . People on Afghan government are the most ungrateful bast-ards ...if it was up to me , I would convince my people and never accept aid from countries that are enemies of our state openly. ciao !

You can make yourself happy by calling me anything, it does not matter.

Beggars are not choosers.


Minister (2k+ posts)
Ass wipe ...why are guys dying to cement your feet in Afghanistan then ? It's a muslim country ... get the hell out morons . BUT NO , it's in your stinky personalities to poke your nose in everyone's business. If Islam bites you , 30% of Indian population is Muslim ...scrape 30% of India and give it to those muslims and keep the extremists away .
As for Israel ...5 million jews isn't the issue ...500 million americans are ...why do you guys try an act innocent ? The nastiest two face , wanna be witty SOBs
Who the hell you think you are, in telling us what to do and where to do. You are biggest beggars and ass lickers in the world. You beg the world even to live for a day and you are talking shit. Just wait for few more days and see what is going to come up what you have to face. Worry about your wellbeing than curse others.


President (40k+ posts)
Man this is a good idea good way of asking for money, First you create terriosm, then you show you are fighting terriosm, and then you black mail the world, then finally allah kay naam pe dollars they dedho euro bhi chalega, franc bhi chalega, value nahi hai phir bhi chalega, Par allah kay naam pe kuch tho dedho baba....

U are talking baseless. U forgot the Terrorism of India in Occupied Kashmir, by killing hunderd thousands Kashmiris. Did you know that or you just see toward Pakistan. Why did you close you eyes the Terrorism of your own countries. Dont tell me that this is a internal problem of India. This is a conflict Territory declared by UN and is not decided yet.


Minister (2k+ posts)
U are talking baseless. U forgot the Terrorism of India in Occupied Kashmir, by killing hunderd thousands Kashmiris. Did you know that or you just see toward Pakistan. Why did you close you eyes the Terrorism of your own countries. Dont tell me that this is a internal problem of India. This is a conflict Territory declared by UN and is not decided yet.

You are worried as what is happening in our Kashmir, then what is happening in Karachi. Human rights ??? You guys should stop dreaming.


President (40k+ posts)
You are worried as what is happening in our Kashmir, then what is happening in Karachi. Human rights ??? You guys should stop dreaming.

There is difference between Dream and Truth. The truth is that whenever, India come to Afghanistan , Problem starts in Pakistan. Lets see what happened after the departure of US from Afghanistan. India is the only country who is not happy with the decision of US departure.

And about Kashmir, you will Kashmir's independence very soon. Peoples on raods are shoutings against India not against Pakistan. This is also a Truth but you can feel and see. But I know India is always in the state of Denial of the facts.

number one

You are a moron that is all I can say. WE don't need your advice or judgment. Worry about what is happening in your Country. Go and save your Muslim brothers than worrying about Hindus.

Jimpack inko donation chaiye bhai, isliye aise kaam karte hai, yeh saab musalman nahi hai, yeh to insaan hi nahi hai.

number one

U are talking baseless. U forgot the Terrorism of India in Occupied Kashmir, by killing hunderd thousands Kashmiris. Did you know that or you just see toward Pakistan. Why did you close you eyes the Terrorism of your own countries. Dont tell me that this is a internal problem of India. This is a conflict Territory declared by UN and is not decided yet.

You telling indians killed thousand of kasmiris, you must be a joker, Terriosm started in kashmir because of your idiots ISI ask your government, why can't you people question this to your government and your ISI , ISI Started killing lot of kashmiri pundits, Listen to me very carfully Pakistan will never get kashmir its like taking out meat from lions mouth, you guys are real jokers man, and gaazzzoooo is the leaders of all this jokers....

Ammar isb

Councller (250+ posts)
In all fairness this is a commendable gesture, 1 million USD aid from a country which is going through the process to rebuilding and is devastated by the war indicates the support of Afghan people in these turbulent times.
