Aerial View of Itikaf City of MQI on 27th Ramadan- 14th July 2015


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Tonight could be the last night in ‪‎Ramadan‬ 2015


Tonight could be the last night in
‪‎Ramadan‬2015 and possibly the last Ramadan night of your life. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said to seek Laylatul Qadr until the last night.

But whether or not it's Laylatul Qadr, worship Allah tonight in a way that would cover for the deficiencies in the other 28 nights.

Rasool Akram
pbuh said "actions are judged by their endings." Let the end be sweeter than the beginning. May Allah accept it from us and grant us the full reward of Ramadan and Laylatul Qadr.


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