All these scandals are bringing rich rewards for our Adeel. He is laughing all the way to the bank, literally. Server is so busy it is taking ages to start a new thread or upload a post.
@Adeel, thank you for providing an alternative place to express our feelings, uninterrupted most of the time.
I want to write for Pakistan. But our corrupt corps of media personalities wouldn’t give chances or opportunities to new people which can break their monopoly on the media.
Months ago I wrote to Malick offering to write for the News free of charge, on one condition, no editorial control over my material and no changes to the articles.
Pakistan needs new faces, honest and straight talking people. Individuals who cannot be bought at any cost.
We need to change the landscape of Pakistan at every level and in every field, this or we are history. I am becoming convinced day by day this is the case now.