M Mohsin Rajpoot Banned Apr 12, 2016 #1 Featured Thumbs https://scontent-kul1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/13006496_1697021417238003_3365248233223408135_n.jpg?oh=ec3e3b573e10a0562cb5150ce2236ac9&oe=57B73BF1
R ranaji (50k+ posts) بابائے فورم Apr 12, 2016 #2 Re: Abid Sher Ali's car Repair Costed 1 Million Rupees to IESCO and FESCO Nooray Button aur Khawaja Sraon kaa pooora Khandaan hi Haraam Khore aur Chore hai
Re: Abid Sher Ali's car Repair Costed 1 Million Rupees to IESCO and FESCO Nooray Button aur Khawaja Sraon kaa pooora Khandaan hi Haraam Khore aur Chore hai
Skeptic Siasat.pk - Blogger Apr 12, 2016 #3 Re: Abid Sher Ali's car Repair Costed 1 Million Rupees to IESCO and FESCO simply just one word #ReclaimPakistan
Re: Abid Sher Ali's car Repair Costed 1 Million Rupees to IESCO and FESCO simply just one word #ReclaimPakistan
G gentelman1234 Citizen Apr 12, 2016 #4 awam p taxs ka load jb k officers ki iyashi end nhain ho pa rhi
chandaa Prime Minister (20k+ posts) Apr 12, 2016 #5 Iss Gadey ke liyae gaari ki kya zaroorat, issey Gadaa Gari mein jhoot ke paisey bachaney chahiyae :P
Citizen X (50k+ posts) بابائے فورم Apr 12, 2016 #6 Haan bhai tumaray pyo ka mulk hai, hoor lutto. Can't wait to hear patwari justification over this. " Oh you have proof go file a case!" " Yeh Pasha party of Jew lobby ki saazish hai "
Haan bhai tumaray pyo ka mulk hai, hoor lutto. Can't wait to hear patwari justification over this. " Oh you have proof go file a case!" " Yeh Pasha party of Jew lobby ki saazish hai "