Star Gazer said:When was this message recorded if you could let me know please?
Mujahid said:[video][/video]
released on Apr 4th 2010
released on Oct 26 2009
itsnotme90 said:Somebody post this as well on this forum i m just posting it as reminder.
ZHE reports on PPKH( PakistanKaKhudaHafiz ) member leaving Team and leavin Zaid Hamid.
Another one joins the fassadis and becomes a paid member of CIA,RAW and Zionists. [hilar] [hilar]
This email was sent by Asher Fawad to Ahmed Quraishi, Dan Qayyum and other PKKH members. Ahmed Quraishi has published it on his own fanpage which can be viewed here.
Ahmed Quraishi: I received this letter by email from Mr. Asher Fawad:
Dear Dan and rest of PKKH members,
I finally announce my denouncement of Zaid Hamid. It had been a tough decision because I had admired him a lot but I can not continue to ignore hard core evidences
against Yousuf Ali and believe that he was wrongly killed. It hurts me to the core to see Zaid Hamid continue to believe that Yousuf Ali was a great sufi and he
doesnt see anything wrong with his teachings and chicanery.
I am a logical person and believe in simple Islam which is free from any sort of worship of Ghair-Allah(swt). On accounts of following reasons, I have no qualms to
call Yusuf a Kazzab.
1) A belief of transfer of noor from Holy Prophet Muhammed(SAWW) to different human beings amounts to continuity of prophethood. Even an 8th grader well-versed in basic Islam can tell you that. The fact that Yusuf Kazzab claimed, like Saint Paul, that he had attained such a higher status that Prophet Muhammed(SAWW) has transferred his noor to him. He then produced a certificate. Is this some sort of a comedy? Is Zaid Hamid so stupid to believe in any Tom, Dick or Harry who says ridiculous things like this?
2) How did Zaid Hamid verify the veracity of Yusuf Kazzabs claim? Is there any way to gauge that? Our modern world is full of corruption where human values and dignity has eroded so deep and fast that there is hardly any Muslim of the calibre of even Taba-Tabaeen. In such circumstances how can someone believe in a total stranger who claims to be misl-e-rasool?
3) Yusuf Kazzab has had no proper training in Islam. It is known that he was kicked out of the Army and other jobs (in Saudi Arabia) on discipliniary grounds.
4) There are many evidences of the eye witnesses who were once mureed of Yusuf who later denounced him. Many women who had left their husbands and were living with Yusuf. This guy was an imposter who used his position to draw material benefits mismanaging people fund and using it for personal gains. It is said that Zaid Hamid used to maintain the record of that. Can Zaid Hamid show us the receipts of how those funds were spent in the way of Allah(swt)?
5) Yusuf in his own words has admitted to his crimes in the letter that he wrote from Jail. He talked about how this girl ghain experienced an exceptional miracle from Allah(swt). He said, in the next breath, that when Hazrat Jibraeel can come in the form of a man why cant the nafs of noon (the girls husband) enter Yusufs body implying that Yusuf molested or attempted to molest her as her husband. There must have been some thing very degenerate that prompted the anger of the girls relatives.
6) Yusuf claimed that all current translation of the Holy Quran are invalid.
Even though Zaid has announced the denunciation of Yusuf, he has made his intentions clear in the leaked youtube video where he is shown defending Yusuf and his message addressing opposing scholars in harsh terms. This fact becomes more believeable when we find out that Zaids wife has left him on the same grounds and many of the Zaid supporters (like Asif Shiraz and Ulema that he once supported him) .To top it off many of the people who were once part of this group have come out speaking against him such as Hisham Syed from Zaid Hamid Exposition team. Zaid and brasstacks team can not simply discount them as Indian agents. Namoos-e-Risalat should be MORE important to Zaid than the defence of some dishonest guy who used religion for personal gains.
I have always admired Zaid and I STILL DO and I want his mission to be successful but his personal beliefs are coming in the way and that too in a big way. If majority of the Ulema have denounced Yusuf Ali as Kazzab and the court has given a verdict against him (on whatever grounds) then Zaid should accept it. If he doesnt do that he is not only risking his life but depriving us Pakistanis of our biggest hope. The hope that was given to us by Zaid. I hate to loose a great leader like Zaid who is the representative of the voice of every Pakistani. I advice Zaid to put a temporary halt any public speeches, TV appearances (unless to correct your perspective) or wake-up project until things get sorted out for him. He should spend most of this early 2010 in correcting his image. Hold dialogue with different scholars, listen to their advice also. There is no point in wasting this precious time in defending someone who is long dead and gone. Someone who didnt
really have such an impeccable record. Accept that he did extort money. Reject him, dump him and move on.
I URGE Zaid Hamid to SINCERELY introspect himself, listen to the opposing views about Yusuf Kazzab, stop considering him innocent and reject his message from the bottom of his heart. We dont need a public declaration, we need an honest change of heart. He should go to all the scholars, appologize and work with them devicing how to implement this Islamic System via Takmeel-e-Pakistan. Until and unless he does that, I can not continue regarding him as an honest leader.
Asher Fawad
PS: [ I am not going to go against Zaid either. I will not put any hindrances in his way like the ZHE team is doing. I am simply withdrawing my support until he re-establishes his trust].
Editors Note:
I have exchanged emails with Asher and even in those emails Asher was concerned about this personal letter of Yusuf Kazab, which Kazab wrote from Jail in which he discusses how the molestation of ghain was not the work of Kazab but that of ghains husband whos spirit came into Kazabs body at that time.
In the email exchanges with me and Mr. Hesham, Asher was really depressed and out of depression became aggressive towards us. This was understandable since he must have been really dejected and heart broken on witnessing the erosion of Zaid Hamids credibility in front of his own eyes. It must not have been easy to see all your sincere efforts and dreams go down the drain and be able to do nothing about it.
ZH has really done a lot of damage to a lot of people. He has treaded on the dreams of our youth.
We know fair well that a lot of people have dedicated a lot of time and effort to the cause of establishment of Khilafat in Pakistan under Zaid Hamids leadership. May Allah bless them for their sincerity.
We are absolutely not against the establishment of Shariah and Khilafat in Pakistan and support any and all such efforts from the core of our heart. We are extremely loyal to Islam and Pakistan and it is this loyalty to Islam that has propelled us to fight the blasphemers of the Prophet of Islam S.A.W.
ZHE team is proud to put hindrances in the way of the defender of a Kazab. May this act of ours suffice us on the day of judgement.
Not a good news for ZH fans as by now we all know that yesterday one of his admins for face book official fan page revolted and he disabled all the admins accounts except his own and was the sole admin of page.Due to which ZH Team had no control over ZH official Fan page
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