A Message From the Chief Danishwer


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Salam all.

it is my pleasure to bring you this message from most respectable danishwer, Honorable Mr, Syed Zaid Zaman Hamid, Chief Orator and Motivator, Brasstacks.

" People actually want justice, equality, fair play, jobs, security, health, education, economics, izzat and respect which this system does not deliver. The politicians exploit these emotions to further divide the nation into ethnic and linguistic lines. The system remains corrupt even in new provinces! The only solution... is the system of Khilafate Rashida given in Takmeel Resolution passed on March 23rd!

When the government is weak, ideology is forgotten, enemies are ganging up and politicians are corrupt -- making more provinces on ethnic and language basis would damage the country. Islam is our ideology and Pakistan is our identity. If we forget this, as our politicians have, we have this mess. Solution is not creating more provinces -- It is bringing system of justice as in Khilafate Rashida! Note this!

We had rejected the 18th amendment as it carried many clauses which would seriously damage the federation under the facade of provincial autonomy. Now since the 18th amendment has been passed by these corrupt NRO tainted politicians, 61 deaths have taken place and entire Hazara region is on fire. They could have easily... named the province "Hazara-Pakhtunkhawa" But ANP wanted fitna and now Pakistan is bleeding!

Inshallah Pakistan is here to stay and expand. We Pakistani Muslims know and understand our duty toward Ummat e Rasul (sm). The traitors within our ranks are trying to damage the federation, serving their own or foreign interests. Never, Inshallah shall we let them play this sinister game. Pakistani youth and armed forces stand united and firm. Enemies are plotting and Allah is planning and He is the best of planners "

thanks for reading the entire message.

Gazoo Martian

I have no idea how to apply color, italics, bold, font size in this ridiculous version of this forum *** sigh ***


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Not interested in any one who is gustakhe Rasool or follower of gustakhe Rasool. When is this chief brainwasher creating a new political party?????


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Not interested ---- NO BIG DEAL, you are withing your rights to be or not to be interested

gustakhe Rasool or follower of gustakhe Rasool. -----Only Allah knows all

When is this chief brainwasher creating a new political party????? ----- I personally do not know, but I am praying that it happens SOOOOOON


Minister (2k+ posts)
Pakhtoonkhwa is not an issue, and would never be.. there are a few hazaragaan in Pakhtonkhwa and they are jumping on the payrol of some enemies.... How on earth they could digest the pathetic name NWFP for 63 years and now when its given a proper and just name these HALF TEETAR HALF BATER bunch of idiots are jumping like monkeys.... Is Panjab populated all with Panjabies???? There are almost half pure Panjabies and half or less other ethinic population including Kashmiries, Saraikies, Pathan (to some extent). However nobuddy can smell hypocracy in the name PANJAB. Balochistan is half Baloch and half Pashtun, Farsi, Barahwi, Makrani etc and yet no one complaint about the name BALOCHISTAN. So is the case with Sindh. Why every gun points to Pakhtonkhwa????? If the majority of NWFP are given the one and only good news after decades of struggle then why so many monkeys are jumping?????? No buddy ****************en compain when 1000s of Pakhtoon are killed on the bases of so-called WAR on TERROR and when they are given a small relief these GHADDAR hazara people are fcuken making nonsense mess.


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Pakhtoonkhwa is not an issue, and would never be.. there are a few hazaragaan in Pakhtonkhwa and they are jumping on the payrol of some enemies.... How on earth they could digest the pathetic name NWFP for 63 years and now when its given a proper and just name these HALF TEETAR HALF BATER bunch of idiots are jumping like monkeys.... Is Panjab populated all with Panjabies???? There are almost half pure Panjabies and half or less other ethinic population including Kashmiries, Saraikies, Pathan (to some extent). However nobuddy can smell hypocracy in the name PANJAB. Balochistan is half Baloch and half Pashtun, Farsi, Barahwi, Makrani etc and yet no one complaint about the name BALOCHISTAN. So is the case with Sindh. Why every gun points to Pakhtonkhwa????? If the majority of NWFP are given the one and only good news after decades of struggle then why so many monkeys are jumping?????? No buddy ****************en compain when 1000s of Pakhtoon are killed on the bases of so-called WAR on TERROR and when they are given a small relief these GHADDAR hazara people are fcuken making nonsense mess.

Sangeen bhai give me your opinion: Do you think Hazara should be another province? IF YES, suggest a name...thanks
