MPA (400+ posts)
Heros of Resistance
Heros of Resistance
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Hahaha….واہ واہ
کیسے پر نور اسلامی چمکتے دمکتے چہرے ہیں
On a serious note
سالے شکل سے ہی جہنم کی چمگاڑیں لگتے ہیں
but no one knows the future and knows in advance the right side of history?Stand with the right side of History and with future
and on a more serious note:
اگر تم اتفاق سے انکے ساتھ کھڑے ہوتے تو پتا بھی نہیں چلتا
کہ تم کون سے ہو…. ?
but no one knows the future and knows in advance the right side of history?
ہاہاہا….اگر میری گول مٹول چھاتیاں ہوتی اور میں زیور پہنتا تو تم کیا سمجھتے ہولیکن
تیری پہچان تو تیری گول مٹول چھاتیوں اور زیورات سے بآسانی ہو جانی تھی
Yeah stand with the invaders & become a slave forever so that Indian dogs can continue using Afghanistan as a launching pad for terrorism in Pakistan.Stand with the right side of History and with future
India used Talibans against Pakistan not Taliban hatersYeah stand with the invaders & become a slave forever so that Indian dogs can continue using Afghanistan as a launching pad for terrorism in Pakistan.
Salay ya tou tu koi Patwari hai ya koi Indian kutta hai. Teri kafi dino se pathi pari hai. Apply Burnol to the affected areas & keep crying loser..
Yeah stand with the invaders & become a slave forever so that Indian dogs can continue using Afghanistan as a launching pad for terrorism in Pakistan.
Salay ya tou tu koi Patwari hai ya koi Indian kutta hai. Teri kafi dino se pathi pari hai. Apply Burnol to the affected areas & keep crying loser..
They are not the same. Afghan Taliban are pro Pakistan & they never attacked Pakistan.There was suicide blast today in Pakistan and sadly terrorism and suicide blasts are going to become common again in Pakistan after Taliban coming to power.
Their ideology is same as TTP and Al Qaeda and they are not going to stop them from using their territory to carry out more of these attacks.
India used TTP , other terrorist groups & also paid media cell workers like you against Pakistan. You are are media terrorists who are working for the enemies against Pakistan.India used Talibans against Pakistan not Taliban haters
India used TTP , other terrorist groups & also paid media cell workers like you against Pakistan. You are are media terrorists who are working for the enemies against Pakistan.
Afghan Taliban haven’t done a single attack in Pakistan & they are pro Pakistan.
You seem a paid Patwari or Indian Chaddi who is very active nowadays in spreading propaganda against Afghan Taliban.
You were very happy when India was launching terrorists from Afghanistan into Pakistan in Ashraf Ghani time.I am working for Pakistan to save my country from extremism and redicalization
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