A letter To the head of NA-Maloom Afrad, From a Maloo Fard - heart Wrenching Plight of a common Kar


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)

(Heart Wrenching Plight of a Common Man in Karachi)

Dear Mr. Head / Leader of NA-MALOOM Afrad,

My Name is 'Maloom Afrad'. I live in Karachi (yes the City that you have transformed into HELL for its residents). I have a real story for you. I am sure that will make you happy.

Let me tell you first. I have 1 baby girl and her age is 9 years. She is student of class 3. I love her like you may love your Daughter.

That was 11th Sep 2013. 7:30 am. I started my Motor bike. My Baby was sitting on the front. I dropped her to school and drove toward my office. when I reached office, Suddenly I received a call from School principle that there is strike call due to Mr. Nadeem’s arrest please take your baby to home and please come fast we are forced to close School. Your child will be outside the school as we cannot stay at school.

I was not able to think anything at that time. I rushed to my area from Shahrah E Faisal. Normally it takes 40 minutes for me to reach home from office.

You can think what my situation may have been in this condition. I wish this can happen to "NA-MALOOM" Afrad too.

I was flying on the roads to reach my baby’s school. There were traffic jams. People were setting fire to vehicles, rush all around.

In this tension I reached her school. I was almost crying to find my kid. I rushed to school gate but there was a buss set on fire by Na maloom afrad. And my baby was not there. I was shouting and asking people where the kids are. I was crying and begging. But my baby was not there. Suddenly I rushed to back of the burning buss. Ohhhhhh God. My Kid was sitting in a corner away from that bus and saving herself from the heat of the flames. Her face was red because of the heat of the flames.

I picked her in my arms. Kissed her, perhaps like you kiss your baby. I hugged her like may be Mr. Nawaz Shareef hug their kids, I cleared her face like may be Mr. Zardari ever did to their kids.

So we rushed to home. We remained safe just because of my God.

I want to grab attention of all the politicians, Government officials, Pakistan Army and Agencies.

Where do we stand, are we supposed to live like that? Is THIS what we deserve? What is our sin in the arrest of Mr. Nadeem? What have I done wrong to bear THIS in the name of Ethnic and emotional exploitation of ordinary residents of Karachi? Why Am I USED by the NaMaloom Afrad to advance their AGENDA? Is this my Fate? Am I there to face all this all year round , every single week day in day out of my life? Let me be Clear, I am NOT INTRESTED in who was arrested and why and whether he is , was or ever be innocent or not. All i am intrested in is by ANY means just get rid of these NAMALOOM afrad.

And You Mr HEAD of Namaloom Afrad, All i know is, that YOU have made my life a LIVING HELL. and last but not the Least I DONT DESERVE THIS.

I know you don’t have any answer to my questions. But please remember that, We will be equal on the day of judgment. I and thousands of victims like me will ask you about the justice, about what you have done to us. And on that day our hands will be on the collars of Na Maloom afrad. Because All the Na Malooms are Maloom to Allah.

Think about it. please.

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Councller (250+ posts)
Little blame does go on Karachiites or should I say most of it - why? Because we remember when the leader of Namaloom Afrad was dividing Karachi on the basis of ethnicity most of the Karachiites used to take him as their Saviour. Trust me, even then Punjabis, Sindhis, Pathans, Balochies & later Urdu speaking were butchered on the streets of Karachi, Pathan mazdoors were set on fire outside Yousuf Plaza, 20 innocent poor labours were gunned down near Cafe Pyala but nobody said anything against it, nobody was ready to believe that one day these namaloom afrad will be a headache for Karachi.
You reap what you sow


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
Little blame does go on Karachiites or should I say most of it - why? Because we remember when the leader of Namaloom Afrad was dividing Karachi on the basis of ethnicity most of the Karachiites used to take him as their Saviour. Trust me, even then Punjabis, Sindhis, Pathans, Balochies & later Urdu speaking were butchered on the streets of Karachi, Pathan mazdoors were set on fire outside Yousuf Plaza, 20 innocent poor labours were gunned down near Cafe Pyala but nobody said anything against it, nobody was ready to believe that one day these namaloom afrad will be a headache for Karachi.
You reap what you sow

BRUTAL FACT ... harsh but Sadly TRUE ...

Naj Khan

Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
I feel you brother and all we can do is to pray that may Allah save our families from these Bas*****. I m pretty much sure that they worship no1 else but one khabees who they call their leader and qaid. these na maloom afraad are feeding their families with innocent blood and flesh. them and their families are feeding on haram and will explode their bodies one day inshaAllah
