Martial Law : The unwritten part of Pakistan's constitution in the mind of many many Pakistanis !
Breaking constitution to restore law and order has for the most part been a popular step in Pakistan. It was liked in 1958, it was liked in 1969 , it was warmly welcomed in 1977 and it was not opposed at all in 1999. Martial law imposition is regarded by most Pakistanis as the unwritten part of the constitution , always welcomed when written part fails totally. If Nawaz had done worse in the first 100 days it would have been welcome again , no doubt. Had Kiani been younger, healthier, eloquent and of stronger background it would have been imposed during Zardari era.No body should have doubts about this .All this talk about Martial law a thing of the past as spoken by politicians and CJ etc is complete fabrication and denial of ground situation. Here is Peshawar high court requesting army to stay in Swat?.may be in an indirect way.