75% of the pressure & Impact on Panama case was through Social Media - Saleem Bukhari


President (40k+ posts)
Re: Social Media had 70% impact on Panama case, so stop calling it useless - Saleem Bukhari

He needs a sleeping pill and a laxative everyday, thanks to vibrant and ever vigilant social media!!!
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Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Re: 70% of the pressure & Impact on Panama case was through Social Media - Saleem Bukhari

These pseudo intellectuals are worried that PTI followers on social media are now as well equipped with legitimate information (thanks for online records) as these clowns with their chirias and sources. So thankfully, now people can make up their own mind on issues, rather than dance to their lame tunes.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Pakistan has changed , thanks to electronic media and social media amd above all The Man himself Imran Khan.

Citizen X

(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم
This is called disruptive technology which is making these failed yellow journo's and flop anchors obsolete. People have the power to look for, verify facts and post their own stories and analysis. These people are losing the power a narrative of their own or their masters liking.

Although unfortunately most of our awam is still too lazy and depend on such


MPA (400+ posts)
زندگی میں پہلا اتنا کالا سیاہ بخاری، سلیم بخاری کی شکل میں دیکھا ہے لگتا ہے افریقہ میں کچھ لوگ بخارہ سے شاید ہجرت کر گۓ جن میں سلیم بخاری کے اباء اجداد بھی تھے لیکن اصل میں مسلہ یہ ہے کہ اس بے چارے کا چہرہ جتنا کالا ہے دل اس سے بھی زیادہ کالا سیاہ ہے اسلۓ کھبی بھی اچھی اور صاف ستھری بات نہیں کرتا
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