6-year-old girl on US terror watch list


MPA (400+ posts)
An Ohio family has learned that the name of its six-year-old daughter is on the US Homeland Security Department's "no fly" list as they attempted to board a domestic flight.

The family was caught by surprise upon learning that the Homeland Security Department had placed the name of their daughter, Alyssa Thomas, on its terror watch list.

The family attempted to board a flight from Cleveland to Minneapolis recently, when an airline ticket agent told them about their predicament.

"They said, 'Well, she's on the list.' We're like, okay, what's the story? What do we have to do to get off the list? This isn't exactly the list we want to be on," said Alyssa's father, Dr. Santhosh Thomas.

"I'm like, well, she's kinda 6 years old and this is not something that should be typical," he added.

Thomas said mockingly that the worst thing Alyssa has ever done was threatening her sibling, which should serve as an offense that places someone on the terror watch list.

"She may have threatened her sister, but I don't think that constitutes Homeland Security triggers," Thomas said.

The family was eventually allowed to make the flight. The Thomases then had to contact the Homeland Security to clear up the matter.

The family has received a letter from the US government addressed to 6-year-old Alyssa, telling her that nothing in her file will be changed.

"The watch lists are an important layer of security to prevent individuals with known or suspected ties to terrorism from flying," an unnamed spokesman for the Transportation Security Administration told Fox News.



Senator (1k+ posts)
if this would have been a 6 year old muslim boy or girl, the poor kid would have been stripped searched and not allowed to go onto the flight at any cost. just look at the double standards.


Senator (1k+ posts)
This is typical of US; heartless and insane measures that show their level of intelligence. Twice it happened to me that I could not check-in on line from home or at airport check-in kiosk while flying with my family becaiuse my son who was 11 at that time has name on some 'terror' list. Surely he 'terrorises' his younger sisters when he takes away laptop or xbox from them.

When I asked the reason, I was asked to provide birth certificate of my son which was a joke.... I think the counter staff could not hide their embarressment and checked us in. But till today, I cannot print his boarding pass online..... Haven't they gone crazy....!!


Siasat.pk - Blogger
and we blame pakistani pollice for running after an year old child.

thullay har mulak kay thullay he hain
