6 Biologically Immortal Animals or Almost


Minister (2k+ posts)
Some atheist ppl keep arguing that the death is not a reality and not for everyone (examples in the above video) but as a Muslim we have to believe in:

Kullu Nafsin Dhaa Iqatul Maut - Every Soul Will Taste Death

From Allah SWT before the day of judgment, they will be given death even for a friction of a second though.

the real deal

MPA (400+ posts)


Siasat.pk - Blogger
بھائی جان
آپ نے ایک وائرس کا نام نہیں لکھا

کمینگی کا وائرس جو صدیوں سے زندہ ہے اور صدیوں رہے گا

آج کل ہمارے صدارتی محل اور وزارت عظمیٰ کے منصب پر موجود ہے


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Some atheist ppl keep arguing that the death is not a reality and not for everyone (examples in the above video) but as a Muslim we have to believe in:

Kullu Nafsin Dhaa Iqatul Maut - Every Soul Will Taste Death

From Allah SWT before the day of judgment, they will be given death even for a friction of a second though.

If you read it correctly you will see it carefully worded. "Biologically Immortal". A Lobster is Biologically immortal - but we eat it. Maut aaee ke nahi aee? You take a jellyfish out of water, Maut aaee ke nahi aee? The Atheist are NOT emotional people. We theists are. Nobody said that death is not a reality and not for everyone. However what has been said is; matter cannot be created OR destroyed - it is only changed.

All the atoms that you are made of were born in the center of some long forgotten Star. In 5 years time all the atoms that you are made of today are completely replaced. You are Not YOU in 5 years. ;) So what makes you, you? These are the real tough questions. What I have posted above is not even a challenge. Relax. I save the tough questions for later. heheh.

بھائی جان
آپ نے ایک وائرس کا نام نہیں لکھا

کمینگی کا وائرس جو صدیوں سے زندہ ہے اور صدیوں رہے گا

آج کل ہمارے صدارتی محل اور وزارت عظمیٰ کے منصب پر موجود ہے
Kameengi sirf Insaani beemari hai. Aur uske faiday bohut hain. Nuksaan bohut kam. Kameengi hi hai jisne Insaan ko itne saal Number 1 banaya howa hai sab species mein. ;)
