If you can’t prove anything then why dismiss suspend ?
Only on the basis of suspicion?
remember Innocent until proven guilty?
I agree with you that the culprits should be put in jail. But by whom and how?
For dismissal's or suspensions, there are departmental rules, agreements with the employee and an internal inquiry is set up by internal rules. Departments carries out inquiry to determine violations of rules and dismisses or suspends someone in accordance with mutual agreements. This all falls under Tort not criminal trials.
The employee may challenge the decision in the court but, for institution like NADRA, usually the court determines that
a competent and legally constituted authority has made the decision without any malice.
and no internal rule is breeched That is not about charging or sentencing but about breech of agreement or a rule only. IN cases related to Civil services, the courts are more keen and several standards have been set in past judgments. In certain cases, the court may invoke human rights issues but that is rarely about guilt - because, to find guilt the courts need investigations i
Trials and sentencing is a different matter altogether. There needs to be investigation in accordance with the rights of the accused + in-courts testimony +cross-examination for proofs without doubt during a criminal trial. For Civil trials (not involving jail terms) the nature of proof is quite lax.
Trials are held under penal codes, common laws and constitution. Proper constitution of courts + defense rights, + constitutional protection, + free and fair judges are considered more important than justice for the citizens. ad pre-requisites..
Surely, This is an expensive and lengthy process, but this is utmost necessary and the base of a society.
In my firm opinion, departments like Nadra or any department or individual cannot be given right for sentencing, charging or even investigating any citizen. This is the job of the courts only , and not even of administration. In principle, investigation is court's duty as well which is delegated to administration by court's own decisions. Thus an investigation can be dismissed, administered, constituted and supervised by the courts at will. It must be so for fair trial - investigate must be only under the supervision of courts and constitutional rights.
Nadra has only one option -i.e. to file a complain with FIA/police which may then investigate. There might be some internal rules regarding this because department such as NADRA might not directly file complaints but only through AG.
Whatever I'd like quick justice and punishment of a crime, these legal rights and rules are above all and more important for a just society. Solution to this situation is that parliament mat set up special courts for quick resolution and investigation with court's permission- although too many special courts and special laws is not a good idea - IMO special investigation units and police reforms is a better solution.