250 Billian fraud mudharaba scandal


Minister (2k+ posts)

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Minister (2k+ posts)
Iss scandal mi kuch baray wardi posh parda nasheeno ke naam bhe shamil hin hairat hi ke supreme court iss biggest fraud ke khilaf kyon koi action nahi lay rahi


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)

جب پیسہ اکٹھا کیا جا رہا تھا تو گلی گلی بچے بچے کو پتہ تھا

مگر ان کو پتہ نا چلا جن کا کام ہی کتے کی طرح سونگھنا اور ڈھونڈنا تھا

اس لیے کہ وہ سب حصہ دار تھے اربوں روپیہ حساس آستانوں کی نظر بقی سب ہضم


Minister (2k+ posts)
logoon ko islam k naam par lotnay walay ka face dekh lokhalifa mijaz ul bait Maulana Zakria kandhelvi,,,,,


جب پیسہ اکٹھا کیا جا رہا تھا تو گلی گلی بچے بچے کو پتہ تھا

مگر ان کو پتہ نا چلا جن کا کام ہی کتے کی طرح سونگھنا اور ڈھونڈنا تھا

اس لیے کہ وہ سب حصہ دار تھے اربوں روپیہ حساس آستانوں کی نظر بقی سب ہضم


Minister (2k+ posts)
is mufti ihsan ul haq ka face book page dekho,kaisay ye islam ki tableegh karta hay,lekin islam k naam par hi logoon ko loot raha hay,pata nahi baqi tableeghi jamat walay b aisay hi hain k nahi,Q kye tu 2 nomber par hay tableeghi jamat mein,
logoon ko islam k naam par lotnay walay ka face dekh lokhalifa mijaz ul bait Maulana Zakria kandhelvi,,,,,



MPA (400+ posts)
There's no reason to 'defile' Tableeghee Jamat. There are 'criminals' in every faction of society, race & country. These 'criminals' come in all sizes & shapes and many 'criminals' actually assume 'appearances' of different colors to 'defraud' people. I've had problems with 'fraudsters' in these seemingly 'religious' organizations then one Imam explained to me and made a lot of sense to me, anyway, Tableeghee Jamat is like a 'hospital' people come here for 'treatment' of different 'ailments' some get 'cured' in days some in weeks some in months some in years and for some there is NO cure. Secondly, BMW Benze Lexus are considered 'prestigious' automobiles but if the driver runs these vehicles into the 'wall' is the car company at fault or the driver. People who use Islam for their 'personal' gains and those of us who call ourselves Muslims give Islam a 'bad' name with our 'speech & actions' should Islam be held 'responsible' for that or the 'doer' for their own 'individual' doings, please consider?

is mufti ihsan ul haq ka face book page dekho,kaisay ye islam ki tableegh karta hay,lekin islam k naam par hi logoon ko loot raha hay,pata nahi baqi tableeghi jamat walay b aisay hi hain k nahi,Q kye tu 2 nomber par hay tableeghi jamat mein,

Haris Khan

New Member
ye Shayk ul Hadees Moulana Ahsan sb hai
Muzaribat fraudie mufti ahsan is a young cleric his age is hardly 30 years..he is from pindi !
