I was just shocked. According to Jang newpaper, in Muzafargar Pakistan, a 2 year child is charged with theft along with his father and 2 others. The Judge has accepted a bail for all four. I know you can't believe like me that a 2 years old child can steel anything as he doesn't know what steeling is...
The more shocking part is not that police register the complaint but the the learned "Session Judge" has accepted the bail for the child and three other accused and requested the investigation report. Can u believe that?
Is this the reason why social and civil society, lawyer and Judges wanted to restore a so called " free judicary" so looters like Zardari and Shraif gang can be spared to be tried for their financial crimes and murders like Altaf Hussain can stay safe from procecution in London while poor people and minor children (like in this case) can be arrested and tried in the court of law?
Shame on the Police, Judicary and Punjab Administration for this shameful act. I think if it was any other county, the entire police department and the judge will be fired for this shameful misconduct.
No one in Pakistan is willing to do his job. Its all about money, power grabing, asset building and looting the tax payer treasury.
I remember a story I heard from a christian friend, One day Jesus(PBUH) was walking and he saw some people stoning a women. He asked them why are u stoning the women and people replied " she has committed adultory and under the law, she should be stone to death. Jesus(PBUH) replied " its true that under the law she should be punished by stoning BUT the people eligible to stone her are the once who have never committed a sin by themselve. Everyone left.
Before the Chief Justice of Pakistan should try to correct the nation and take somoto actions, here is his primary job as a Chief Justice:
Solve the problem of the Judged and Lower courts
Make them more effective in hearing cases
Make sure justice is blind for rich or poor
Make sure everyone have a EQUAL access to Justice
Make sure Court are equipped with proper resources
Quick resolution of the cases
No favouritism amoung Lawyer
No favouritism in cases( first filed, first heard)
and I can go on and on for pages but he will never do that. He is not worried to clean his own house. Since the agreement between Army and Judicary for his reinstatment, Lawyer have become a cult or a gang. They beat up judges and clients alike. Now word is invented " wokla gardy" or lawyer terror.
You can never see a haystack in ur own eyes but can see a niddle head in others. We have corrupt politician the Question is do we have a fair judicary? Equal access to law for everyone? NO
Mr.Chief Justice, we already have corrupt politicians to deal with, we don't want politics from you. Please provide justice that is the only reason u were reinstated. Stop loving politics and wants to be in political arena. Stop looking for your name in newpapers and TV media everyday.
The more shocking part is not that police register the complaint but the the learned "Session Judge" has accepted the bail for the child and three other accused and requested the investigation report. Can u believe that?
Is this the reason why social and civil society, lawyer and Judges wanted to restore a so called " free judicary" so looters like Zardari and Shraif gang can be spared to be tried for their financial crimes and murders like Altaf Hussain can stay safe from procecution in London while poor people and minor children (like in this case) can be arrested and tried in the court of law?
Shame on the Police, Judicary and Punjab Administration for this shameful act. I think if it was any other county, the entire police department and the judge will be fired for this shameful misconduct.
No one in Pakistan is willing to do his job. Its all about money, power grabing, asset building and looting the tax payer treasury.
I remember a story I heard from a christian friend, One day Jesus(PBUH) was walking and he saw some people stoning a women. He asked them why are u stoning the women and people replied " she has committed adultory and under the law, she should be stone to death. Jesus(PBUH) replied " its true that under the law she should be punished by stoning BUT the people eligible to stone her are the once who have never committed a sin by themselve. Everyone left.
Before the Chief Justice of Pakistan should try to correct the nation and take somoto actions, here is his primary job as a Chief Justice:
Solve the problem of the Judged and Lower courts
Make them more effective in hearing cases
Make sure justice is blind for rich or poor
Make sure everyone have a EQUAL access to Justice
Make sure Court are equipped with proper resources
Quick resolution of the cases
No favouritism amoung Lawyer
No favouritism in cases( first filed, first heard)
and I can go on and on for pages but he will never do that. He is not worried to clean his own house. Since the agreement between Army and Judicary for his reinstatment, Lawyer have become a cult or a gang. They beat up judges and clients alike. Now word is invented " wokla gardy" or lawyer terror.
You can never see a haystack in ur own eyes but can see a niddle head in others. We have corrupt politician the Question is do we have a fair judicary? Equal access to law for everyone? NO
Mr.Chief Justice, we already have corrupt politicians to deal with, we don't want politics from you. Please provide justice that is the only reason u were reinstated. Stop loving politics and wants to be in political arena. Stop looking for your name in newpapers and TV media everyday.
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