190 ملین پاونڈ کیس،عمران خان کی اپیل کاڈرافٹ تیار،برطانوی عدالت کاپیراشامل


پاکستان تحریک انصاف (پی ٹی آئی) کے بانی چیئرمین اور سابق وزیراعظم عمران خان اور ان کی اہلیہ بشریٰ بی بی کے وکلا نے 190 ملین پاؤنڈ ریفرنس میں سزا کے خلاف اپیل کا ڈرافٹ تیار کر لیا ہے۔

اپیل کا یہ ڈرافٹ عمران خان سے اڈیالہ جیل میں شیئر کیا گیا، جہاں ان سے مشاورت کے بعد اپیل دائر کرنے کا فیصلہ کیا گیا ہے، 190 ملین پاؤنڈ کیس میں برطانوی عدالت کے فیصلے کے ایک پیراگراف 45 کو بھی عمران خان کی اسلام آباد ہائیکورٹ کے لئے تیار اپیل میں ایک گراؤنڈ کے طور پر لیا گیا ہے ۔

پی ٹی آئی کے وکیل سلمان صفدر نے بتایا کہ 190 ملین پاؤنڈ ریفرنس میں اپیل کا ڈرافٹ 20 صفحات پر مشتمل ہے، جسے عمران خان اور بشریٰ بی بی کے وکلا نے تیار کیا ہے۔ انہوں نے کہا کہ اپیل کا ڈرافٹ عمران خان سے اڈیالہ جیل میں شیئر کیا گیا، جہاں ان سے تفصیلی مشاورت کی گئی۔ وکلاء کی ٹیم نے بتایا کہ 24 سے 48 گھنٹے کے اندر سزا کے خلاف اپیل دائر کر دی جائے گی۔

سلمان صفدر نے مزید کہا کہ عمران خان نے اپیل میں برطانوی عدالت کے فیصلے کو شامل کرنے کی ہدایت کی ہے۔ برطانوی عدالت نے اس معاملے میں عمران خان اور بشریٰ بی بی کے خلاف کوئی ثبوت نہیں پایا تھا، جسے وکلاء نے اپیل میں اہم ثبوت کے طور پر پیش کرنے کا فیصلہ کیا ہے۔ انہوں نے یہ بھی کہا کہ این سی اے کی پروسیڈنگز کو بھی اپیل میں شامل کیا جائے گا، کیونکہ ان کے خیال میں یہ کیس سیاسی بنیادوں پر چلایا گیا ہے۔

وکیل سلمان صفدر نے القادر ٹرسٹ کیس پر بھی تبصرہ کرتے ہوئے کہا کہ یہ کیس بھی ایک سے دو سماعتوں میں ختم ہو جائے گا۔ انہوں نے کہا کہ اس کیس میں ثبوت اور فیصلے کے درمیان واضح تضاد ہے، جس کی وجہ سے یہ کیس بہت کمزور ہے۔ انہوں نے اس کیس کو سائفر کیس سے تشبیہ دی، جس میں بھی الزامات کو ثابت نہیں کیا جا سکا تھا۔

واضح رہے کہ 17 جنوری کو راولپنڈی کی اڈیالہ جیل میں قائم احتساب عدالت کے جج ناصر جاوید رانا نے 190 ملین پاؤنڈ کے ریفرنس میں عمران خان کو مجرم قرار دیتے ہوئے 14 سال قید کی سزا سنائی تھی، جب کہ بشریٰ بی بی کو 7 سال قید کی سزا دی گئی تھی۔ عدالت نے عمران خان پر 10 لاکھ روپے اور بشریٰ بی بی پر 5 لاکھ روپے جرمانہ بھی عائد کیا تھا۔ جرمانے کی عدم ادائیگی کی صورت میں عمران خان کو مزید 6 ماہ اور بشریٰ بی بی کو 3 ماہ کی قید کی سزا بھگتنا ہوگی۔

احتساب عدالت نے فیصلے میں القادر یونیورسٹی کو سرکاری تحویل میں لینے کا بھی حکم دیا تھا۔ عدالت کا کہنا تھا کہ یہ یونیورسٹی غیر قانونی طور پر حاصل کی گئی زمین پر تعمیر کی گئی تھی، جس کی وجہ سے اسے سرکاری تحویل میں لیا جائے گا۔

190 ملین پاؤنڈ یا القادر ٹرسٹ کیس میں الزام لگایا گیا تھا کہ عمران خان اور بشریٰ بی بی نے پی ٹی آئی کے دور حکومت میں برطانیہ کی نیشنل کرائم ایجنسی (این سی اے) کی جانب سے حکومتِ پاکستان کو بھیجے گئے 50 ارب روپے کو قانونی حیثیت دینے کے عوض بحریہ ٹاؤن لمیٹڈ سے اربوں روپے اور سیکڑوں کنال مالیت کی اراضی حاصل کی تھی۔ الزامات کے مطابق، یہ رقم قومی خزانے میں جمع کی جانی تھی، لیکن اسے بحریہ ٹاؤن کراچی کے 450 ارب روپے کے واجبات کی وصولی میں ایڈجسٹ کر دیا گیا تھا۔

پی ٹی آئی کی قانونی ٹیم کا کہنا ہے کہ وہ جلد ہی اپیل دائر کرے گی اور عدالت سے انصاف کی امید رکھتی ہے۔ عمران خان اور بشریٰ بی بی کے وکلاء کا ماننا ہے کہ یہ کیس سیاسی بنیادوں پر چلایا گیا ہے، اور انہیں امید ہے کہ
I do not know if PTIs lawyer do enough research and if they are willing to use the brain of their own. Why it should be the job of social media posters or journalists to surface the facts or find relevant case documents.

If these lawyers have indeed gone through this judgement from the UK court (C2/2021/0288), they should apply brain and prepare a solid unshakable defense where the prosecutor will get a very tough time to even show a reasonable co-relation between AlQadir Trust land, land awarded to Farah Gogi or alleged diamond rings and the 190 million pounds settlement.

Going through this judgements, points ny points and the plea of Ali Riaz and the observation of the judge in the decision section, we can clearly see the following being established:

Fact 1: NCA only secured Account Freezing Order for the accounts and it never proved the guilt in any court to get court orders to actually Confiscate the funds, therefore the narrative that NCA confiscated the funds and channeled/directed to State of Pakistan is absurdly baseless claim without any proofs

Fact 2: The court order makes it clear in point 80 to point 84 like daylight that NCA did not have any evidence, allegation, prod or charges of its own to believe that the money is dirty, it rather provided the Pakistan Supreme Court judgement in Bahria Town Karachi as the reason to suspect the money to be proceed of corruption in BTK and the kickbacks and commission Malik Riaz deposited in 32 fake accounts of Zardari. Therefore the allegation that the money was a proceed of corruption or crime in UK or in some other instance proves to be wrong.

Fact 3: Since NCA did not have any new evidence and allegation than the Supreme Court Judgement in BTK case, it could not prove a guilt or crime proceeds in the UK court, it was relying on Pakistan govt to provide proofs and to do a trial and get the court orders to actually Confiscate the funds and claim them, however Bahria Town Karachi case already went through trial and was educated and decided by the Supreme Court of Pakistan and Riaz was fined 450 Billion Rs.

Fact 4: Since the very allegation and suspicions NCA had on the frozen accounts money being dirty or proceeds of corruption was the SC judgment of Bahria Town, Pakistani govt could not re trial Malik Riaz or BTK for the same evidence and allegation unless there were new proofs or evidence which the court order explained NCA didn't have.

In the light of above facts, there could only be 3 scenarios.

1. NCA proceed with trial and Malik Riaz win: His accounts would get defrozen, he would've walked away with entire 190 millions.
2. NCA proves that the funds are proceeds of the corruption in Bahria Town Karachi, the decision of the court would be to pay it back to the Govt of Pakistan, and most likely in the same SC account as the allegations are related to the same matter and SC has already fined Riaz.
3. Out of court settlement where Riaz Voluntarily surrender the money to the State of Pakistan in lieu of the SC's BTK fine.

Both 1 and 2 would've cost Pakistan govt considerable amount of legal cost, could span for multiple years and would still loose the case.
3 was the best solution as Pakistan got the BTK fine payment portion without paying any legal fee.

The next thing NAB and PDM govt is going to do is to give this case a twist and claim that PTI or Shahzad Akbar facilitated Malik Riaz in doing out of court settlement and therefore enabled him to adjust frozen funds in his BTK payment. And in re turn IK took AlQadir land as a Quid Pro Quo. But the very fact that NCA secured the AFOs based on SC BTK judgement, therefore it had no additional evidence or allegation of its own, and hence there cannot be any benefit or advantage Pakistani govt give to Malik Riaz as BTK case was already decided by SC. Now it it the responsibility of PTI lawyers to present these facts in a really convincing manner and destroy the Quid Pro Quo narrative of PDM and NAB, as then they'd have to work very hard to prove Al Qadir.
I do not know if PTIs lawyer do enough research and if they are willing to use the brain of their own. Why it should be the job of social media posters or journalists to surface the facts or find relevant case documents.

If these lawyers have indeed gone through this judgement from the UK court (C2/2021/0288), they should apply brain and prepare a solid unshakable defense where the prosecutor will get a very tough time to even show a reasonable co-relation between AlQadir Trust land, land awarded to Farah Gogi or alleged diamond rings and the 190 million pounds settlement.

Going through this judgements, points ny points and the plea of Ali Riaz and the observation of the judge in the decision section, we can clearly see the following being established:

Fact 1: NCA only secured Account Freezing Order for the accounts and it never proved the guilt in any court to get court orders to actually Confiscate the funds, therefore the narrative that NCA confiscated the funds and channeled/directed to State of Pakistan is absurdly baseless claim without any proofs

Fact 2: The court order makes it clear in point 80 to point 84 like daylight that NCA did not have any evidence, allegation, prod or charges of its own to believe that the money is dirty, it rather provided the Pakistan Supreme Court judgement in Bahria Town Karachi as the reason to suspect the money to be proceed of corruption in BTK and the kickbacks and commission Malik Riaz deposited in 32 fake accounts of Zardari. Therefore the allegation that the money was a proceed of corruption or crime in UK or in some other instance proves to be wrong.

Fact 3: Since NCA did not have any new evidence and allegation than the Supreme Court Judgement in BTK case, it could not prove a guilt or crime proceeds in the UK court, it was relying on Pakistan govt to provide proofs and to do a trial and get the court orders to actually Confiscate the funds and claim them, however Bahria Town Karachi case already went through trial and was educated and decided by the Supreme Court of Pakistan and Riaz was fined 450 Billion Rs.

Fact 4: Since the very allegation and suspicions NCA had on the frozen accounts money being dirty or proceeds of corruption was the SC judgment of Bahria Town, Pakistani govt could not re trial Malik Riaz or BTK for the same evidence and allegation unless there were new proofs or evidence which the court order explained NCA didn't have.

In the light of above facts, there could only be 3 scenarios.

1. NCA proceed with trial and Malik Riaz win: His accounts would get defrozen, he would've walked away with entire 190 millions.
2. NCA proves that the funds are proceeds of the corruption in Bahria Town Karachi, the decision of the court would be to pay it back to the Govt of Pakistan, and most likely in the same SC account as the allegations are related to the same matter and SC has already fined Riaz.
3. Out of court settlement where Riaz Voluntarily surrender the money to the State of Pakistan in lieu of the SC's BTK fine.

Both 1 and 2 would've cost Pakistan govt considerable amount of legal cost, could span for multiple years and would still loose the case.
3 was the best solution as Pakistan got the BTK fine payment portion without paying any legal fee.

The next thing NAB and PDM govt is going to do is to give this case a twist and claim that PTI or Shahzad Akbar facilitated Malik Riaz in doing out of court settlement and therefore enabled him to adjust frozen funds in his BTK payment. And in re turn IK took AlQadir land as a Quid Pro Quo. But the very fact that NCA secured the AFOs based on SC BTK judgement, therefore it had no additional evidence or allegation of its own, and hence there cannot be any benefit or advantage Pakistani govt give to Malik Riaz as BTK case was already decided by SC. Now it it the responsibility of PTI lawyers to present these facts in a really convincing manner and destroy the Quid Pro Quo narrative of PDM and NAB, as then they'd have to work very hard to prove Al Qadir.
