yeah yeah and suddenly we will become a developed nation on that or after that day, world will recognise us as the most amazing and advanced country(technological wise) suddenly we will produce scientists our universities will be the top ranked universities researchers will born and all the mess will be cleaned up, there will be no corruption,theft, lies, deception, non equality, racism, terrorism all of a sudden we will become a great nation.... my friend this will not happen until we change ourselves it doesn't matter if 14 august comes on 27 or 28 or 29 ramadan the only thing which matters is your intentions to do things. we r no doubt in a process of change Alhumdullilah under the leadership of the great Sir Imran Khan but please don't leave it alone on religion do ur part and things will definitely change and refrain from playing with ppls emotions by we have been doing it for a while and not getting any result :(