132 foreign spies arrested meant to expose nuclear installation of Pakistan


Minister (2k+ posts)
132 foreign spies arrested meant to expose nuclear installation of Pakistan


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Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Phir bhi Yeahan essi Forum per WOH Dardmand Hazraat bhi moujood hain jo
Israel sai Dossti aur os ko Tasleem karnay ka raag ALLAAP rahay hain


Minister (2k+ posts)
جھوٹ کی بھی حد ہوتی ہے ،انکل ڈیوس کو تو خود آرمی نے چھوڑوایا تھا ،باقیو کو یہ کیسے پکڑ سکتے ہے ،غریب مزدور پاکستانی پکڑے ہو گے جن کو یہ میڈیا کے سامنے دیکھا سکے


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
These people must never be released without proper enquiry. There must never be another Raymond Davis like like situation, enough is enough:angry_smile: We are watching what NS does!


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Pakistan is in a very exposed situation, what do you think about temporarily making friends with Israel to get favors from USA. Then when we are in a better situation we can turn on them.
​The best way to fight your enemies is to make them think your their friend.

Phir bhi Yeahan essi Forum per WOH Dardmand Hazraat bhi moujood hain jo
Israel sai Dossti aur os ko Tasleem karnay ka raag ALLAAP rahay hain


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Pakistan is in a very exposed situation, what do you think about temporarily making friends with Israel to get favors from USA. Then when we are in a better situation we can turn on them.
​The best way to fight your enemies is to make them think your their friend.

Think little Deep, Israel failed to take or Controll Nuclear Warheads of Pakistan,
They tried to Attack Kahota by airstrike with the HELP of ENDIA,
They tried with the help of CIA and Mossad Agents to Penetrate in Command and Controll System
after 9/11 till to DATE.

Now they are in Complete MESS, the Only hurdle in implementation of ONE World rule i.e. ****** rule concept is
not PAKISTAN but Its Nuclear Pakistan.

Now why there is A propoganda on Social Media on Pak/Israel relations?
After establishing contacts with Pakistan, they will go for NO Strike Treaty with
the HELP of IMF/World Bank and American/British pressure.

And in the END they WILL freely INVADE AAL Muslim Countries as per PLAN of
Greater Israel. Without any Fear of ISLAMIC BOMB i.e. Strike from Pakistan.



Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
جھوٹ کی بھی حد ہوتی ہے ،انکل ڈیوس کو تو خود آرمی نے چھوڑوایا تھا ،باقیو کو یہ کیسے پکڑ سکتے ہے ،غریب مزدور پاکستانی پکڑے ہو گے جن کو یہ میڈیا کے سامنے دیکھا سکے

aur civilian hakoomat ka uss mein koi haath nahi tha? shahbaz sharif ko apna london ka trip ain ussi din yaad aya jis din raymond davis ko rehaa karna tha...

aur agar aap yeh kahein kay fauj kay saamnay civilian hakoomat baybus hai, to phir yeh jamhoori hakoomat ka naara kyoon lagatay hain?


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Despite all their technologies and man power they haven't cracked Pakistan's nuclear security, yet they say that "they doubt that the taliban or alqaeda(without technological power) will get access to those assets". Its just a crap statement from the west. If they are so serious then they should instead help Pakistan fight terrorism, but i guess both the countries knows of the real intentions of each other and that is why no one is ending the WOR.
