10 point agenda of Islamabad protestors


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)


Minister (2k+ posts)
What a bunch of pigs.... they want a license to kill whoever they declare Gustakh.

What kind of moFOs are these monsters. Power hungry beasts using the name of islam.


Senator (1k+ posts)
I have said long ago, Federal Shariat Court should have signed the death warrant of Qadri, along with regular Supreme Court of Pakistan. This would have given a shut up call to all who are trying to raise a liberal vs. traditional debate.

عام آدمی

MPA (400+ posts)
کچھ قوتیں جب مرضی چراغ کو رگڑ کر جن باہر نکال لیتی ہیں
مبینہ تاریخ ساز جنازے پر جن استراحت فرما رہا تھا، چالیسویں پر اسے احتجاج کا حکم مل گیا


Councller (250+ posts)
جنید جمشد کے ساتھ کیا سلوک کیا جائے اس بارے میں کوئی پوانٹ ہے ؟


Minister (2k+ posts)
pakistan is created for Muslims and Islam. If one doesn't like it go back to bharat or somewhere else....so simple is that. Trying to make Pakistan secular won't have any success. We should respect all other relegion and Nonmuslims as long as they don't speak or do anything against islam.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
یہ تمام پوائنٹس کافی اچھے ہیں حکومت کے لئے، اسے چاہیئے کہ ان کو میڈیا پہ خوب پھیلائے اور اس کے بعد ان غازیان کی مکمل چھتر پریڈ کریں، افاقہ ہو گا،


Councller (250+ posts)

نمبر تین کی رو سے جناب کا انجام طے ہے

جنید کے پاس بری تکڑی شفارش ہے اس لیے بہوت مشکل ہے مگر جو شفارش کے بگیر ہیں ان کا بچنا مشکل ہے
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سہیل خانزادہ

Minister (2k+ posts)
My 10 Points Agenda for the Govt :)

Protestors in Islmabad have given a 10 points COD to Govt. Being a concerned Pakistani, my life is at stake if any of their demands is met. So here is my 10 points counter agenda for the Govt. If these 10 points are not implemented, I'll start march from Chak Shahzad to Red Zone on my horse Apollo's Chariot. :) :);)


1) All procession that have some ''Religious'' motive should be banned and protestors must be put behind bars for three years for disturbing peace.

2) Supporting Mumtaz Qadri publicly should be considered as an offense and the offenders must be punished.

3) Mumtaz Qadri was a terrorist so his 'Mazaar'' should be demolished straight away.

4) All Muddrasa should be locked down, unless they are taken under Govt control.

5) Once taken under Govt control, highly qualified Mphil / Ph.D teachers should be recruited by respective public service commissions for these Muddrasa. Govt scales BPS 17 should be given to those teachers recruited for these Muddrasas.

6) Syllabus for Universities and Muddrasas should be same. Co Education should be made mandatory in Muddrasas.

7) Syllabus should be changed Nation Wide. No religious stuff in any other book except Islamyat.

8) All Mosques should be considered Govt property and Govt should recruit new qualified Mozzans.

9) All Mozzans should be made to denounce Talbans and all other terrorist after each Namaz five times a day.

and the last one

10) Ban should be imposed for doing politics in the name of religion. Election Commission should ban any party that exploits Islam as a tool for political mileage.

Feeling crazy with you, him , her and 200M Pakistani people. :)

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Senator (1k+ posts)
pakistan is created for Muslims and Islam. If one doesn't like it go back to bharat or somewhere else....so simple is that. Trying to make Pakistan secular won't have any success. We should respect all other relegion and Nonmuslims as long as they don't speak or do anything against islam.

Earning HALAL INCOME is the First Principal of Islam, according to the wise Hakim Luqman.

First close all these Madrassah, Dargah, Masjids, that are income and revenue generating sources for these do-numbry jaahil aalims and molvi, and start earning real halal income, and then talk about Islam.

Pakistan must adapt Saudi policy regarding the state controlling these religious places of worship ! There will be no fitna, EVER !
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Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
ایسے دس نکاتی ایجنڈے کے جواب میں صرف ایک نکاتی ایجنڈا ہونا چاہیے ، وہی جو طالبان کے بارے میں ہے


MPA (400+ posts)
Re: My 10 Points Agenda for the Govt :)

Khan sayb pah der mazerrot sara:

1) All procession that have some ''
Anti state'' motive should be banned and protestors must be put behind bars for three years for disturbing peace.

2) Supporting ANY kind of criminal publicly should be considered as an offense and the offenders must be punished.

3) ANY kind of terrorist 's 'Mazaar'' should be demolished straight away.

4) All Schools should be monitored and if they are promoting any kinda hatred taken under Govt control.

5) Education should be our 1st priority and highly qualified Mphil / Ph.D teachers should be recruited by respective public service commissions for these Schools. Govt scales BPS 17 should be given to those teachers recruited for these Schools.

6) Syllabus for Private and Govt institutes should be same.

7) Syllabus should be changed Nation Wide. No religious stuff in any other book except Islamyat should be not just memorizing but to understand Islam.

8) Like any other institution All Mosques should have qualified and trained IMAMS and should be paid by govt.

9) All IMAMS should be made to denounce Terorisum and all other terrorist after each Namaz five times a day.
and the last one

10) Ban should be imposed for doing fraud in politics in the name of any thing. Election Commission should ban any party that exploits Pakistani as a tool for political mileage.

سہیل خانزادہ

Minister (2k+ posts)
Re: My 10 Points Agenda for the Govt :)

Khan sayb pah der mazerrot sara:

1) All procession that have some ''
Anti state'' motive should be banned and protestors must be put behind bars for three years for disturbing peace.

2) Supporting ANY kind of criminal publicly should be considered as an offense and the offenders must be punished.

3) ANY kind of terrorist 's 'Mazaar'' should be demolished straight away.

4) All Schools should be monitored and if they are promoting any kinda hatred taken under Govt control.

5) Education should be our 1st priority and highly qualified Mphil / Ph.D teachers should be recruited by respective public service commissions for these Schools. Govt scales BPS 17 should be given to those teachers recruited for these Schools.

6) Syllabus for Private and Govt institutes should be same.

7) Syllabus should be changed Nation Wide. No religious stuff in any other book except Islamyat should be not just memorizing but to understand Islam.

8) Like any other institution All Mosques should have qualified and trained IMAMS and should be paid by govt.

9) All IMAMS should be made to denounce Terorisum and all other terrorist after each Namaz five times a day.
and the last one

10) Ban should be imposed for doing fraud in politics in the name of any thing. Election Commission should ban any party that exploits Pakistani as a tool for political mileage.

Thanks for these ''amendments'' .
They are equally valid and should be addressed, but at the moment the problem we are facing is mostly related to extremism promoted by religious bigots. So if we prioritize the issues, tackling these ever-increasing threats to the writ and existence of very state from Mullas come on the top of list.
