کیا ہم تانگے ہیں؟


MPA (400+ posts)

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Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Pakistan is not a TANGA state...............its always the writers, philosophers,historians, journalists, bureaucrats and politicians who disown the credibility, sacrifices, role and potential of the nation. In fact its their vested interests which they defined in terms of national security interests, and national integrity objectivity. Since independence Pakistan has always been at the core of international politics and played its role with definitive outcome, but our policy makers and diplomats remained unable to integrate national interests into these outcomes. Opening of China into global scene, end of the Soviet Union or more correctly secured Pakistan from Soviet hegemonic ambitions, rising the concept of Muslim Ummah, containment of Indian West ward expansion and balancing Indian nuclear monopoly, and now successfully resisting US/WESTERN/INDIAN greater plan in this region specifically in Afghanistan. Pakistan not strong enough to counter superpowers' hegemonic ambitions in military terms, however successfully defended our core objectives through carrot and stick means, the way the other side attempted to treat us with. In the circumstances when all our so -called brotherly/friendly states are in a collaboration with our declared enemies, Pakistan is left with a few available options to follow. Pakistan is fully aware of its strategic importance and playing well in the current complex circumstances. We are not a Tanga state but we have been labelled as by a few who follow and admire those who themselves have been and still are assuming a WILFULLY TANGA STATUS. As Barrak Obama has declared to have a different strategy against Pakistan.........Pakistan also responding with a different strategy....someone may call it a TANGA or whatever else STRATEGY....................
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