This is called end of argument. when you can not debate some one start calling him fitna or agent for yahood. If he is wrong religious scholar must come out in open and confront him with proof mere forcing some one out of country will not solve the problem. There is freedom of speech in malysia that's why many scholars are shifting there. We love great scholars like maulana Fazul Rahman only.Ghamdi fitna rejects :
1. Any form of Had (Prescribed Punishment),
2. Hadith to be direct
3. Nazool Eesa Alahi Salam and his Life (like Qadiyanis)
4. Had for an Apostate (Murtad)
5. Claims the 7 recitations of quran to be wrong (he is a close ally and aide of Daniel Pipes and Robert Spencer)
6. Music and Dancing of all sorts is permissible
7. Jihad against oppression is the only jihad allowed
8. The Shahadat of a man and woman are equal
9. There is no concept of Purdah (Hijab / Veil) in Islam,