ڈاکٹر طاہرالقادری اور سیاسی تجزیہ


MPA (400+ posts)
Re: ڈاکٹر طاہرالقادری سیاست دانوں اور تجزیہ &a

لیڈر وہی ھے جو موجودہ صورت حال دیکھ کر مستقبل تک رسائ پا جاےٰ

بقول شیخ رشید کے ،،، کہ وہ دیوار کے پار دیکھ سکے
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Minister (2k+ posts)
Re: ڈاکٹر طاہرالقادری سیاست دانوں اور تجزیہ &a

TuQ may be a megalomaniac suffering from God-Complex but his petition to Supreme Court against Election Commission was right on spot. Supreme Court handled this case with extreme prejudice and utter contempt for TuQ as a person rather than as a petitioner. The result - a doctored election - midwifed by fouj, election commission and supreme court giving birth to another 570 spineless basterds in a brothel called parliament.

Ali Sajid

Councller (250+ posts)
Re: ڈاکٹر طاہرالقادری سیاست دانوں اور تجزیہ &a

well he tried to warn us. no one listened.

He exposed ECP and Establishment. Although he mis read the intentions of SCP but in the end he showed Pakistan, the true face of our beloved Cheap Justice.

In my view ( I dont want anyone to agree with it or not), his only mistake in the long march was to carry women and children at the march. Without them, the situation would have been very different. PTI should have joined the march, as IK himself admitted the TUQ was rite. Under this corrupt system, IK cannot win even if he contests Hundred times. as this this system is not designed for Good people to represent the country. Ab bhe chahain tu kaafi kuch kiya ja sakta hai, to remove this so called govt.


Minister (2k+ posts)
TUQ was spot on in identifying the problem. Still vividly remember him addressing Imran Khan from D chowk, inviting him to join the struggle for electoral reforms before conduct of elections. How truly he said "Imran Khan come and join this struggle of millions of people in the field, otherwise a day after the elections you will be dejectedly addressing a press conference in a room, crying foul"

Khuram Shahzad

Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
We must admit he was 100% and he is really a visionary leader who exposed everything first. I think it is our fault we did not listen and we will now pay for it. He was asking for electoral reforms and a true democratic system and to promote honest and corrupt free politicians and leaders in Pakistan by implementing articles 62 and 63.

Hammad Mustafa

Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
Now I firmly believe that Dr TuQ is Pakistan's last hope, and if Pakistanis don't jump on this opportunity that Allāh has blessed them with, then they deserve whatever they get with the alternatives.
Pakistan needs TUQ.
To the people of Pakistan: Let Pakistan have Dr TUQ.
Join Hands with Dr TuQ to get rid of this fraud electoral system and corrupt system of Pakistan.


Senator (1k+ posts)
مبارک ہو مبارک ہو ایک بھی " ڈسلائک "نہیں ہے ....کچھ لوگوں کو سانپ سونگھ گیا ہے جن کامقصد صرف نفرت پھیلانا ہے


Minister (2k+ posts)
Re: ڈاکٹر طاہرالقادری سیاست دانوں اور تجزیہ &a

Spot on.

I think all credit goes to TuQ for bringing out such a huge and dedicated crowd on the streets. The amazing thing is that 90% of the composition of the crowd was from middle class. In Pakistan, it is almost impossible to move middle class on the streets. Only Imran Khan and TUQ have been able to pull that off in recent history.

well he tried to warn us. no one listened.

He exposed ECP and Establishment. Although he mis read the intentions of SCP but in the end he showed Pakistan, the true face of our beloved Cheap Justice.

In my view ( I dont want anyone to agree with it or not), his only mistake in the long march was to carry women and children at the march. Without them, the situation would have been very different. PTI should have joined the march, as IK himself admitted the TUQ was rite. Under this corrupt system, IK cannot win even if he contests Hundred times. as this this system is not designed for Good people to represent the country. Ab bhe chahain tu kaafi kuch kiya ja sakta hai, to remove this so called govt.


Minister (2k+ posts)
امید تو ہے کہ حضرت پادری اور خلیفہ زید حامد ایک تیسری مقدس ہستی کے ساتھ مل کر تین چار ماہ میں شو لانچ کریں گے
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