پٹواری کا راج - Patwari Ka Raj

Afaq Chaudhry

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)




Senator (1k+ posts)
In kpk patwari system is near to end whole land records r in position of computerized verification nd all that happens in one year performance this is one of the biggest success of kpk government beside court kachari and police system I wonder if kpk government further functions till 5 years they will be achieve some other aspects related to the lands which is generate forests


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
In kpk patwari system is near to end whole land records r in position of computerized verification nd all that happens in one year performance this is one of the biggest success of kpk government beside court kachari and police system I wonder if kpk government further functions till 5 years they will be achieve some other aspects related to the lands which is generate forests
They should focus Mining, mining is a multi billion dollar industry in Balochistan & KPK, and it is the heaven of corruption.
