@Jannab lastbullet sb
your 1.5 lines shows that you know me very well BUT i do not know you.
I lived in London & it seems you too , You can get me very easly any time any where you will ask me to .... come MEET ME you bloody****** ,
kher tumhin gali deney ka bhi koi Faida nahi kih zuban meri Gandi hu G , merei personality peh herf aaey ga, jeb kih 'GUND' peh Gali be-asar rahey G.
your words "every one know you are an anti pakistan agent "
are like a 'gali' for me which i can't bare ...................................................................
on this site there were few other persons as well who tried to creat mess for me like you ........... i don't say that you are one of them BUT who ever you are IF YOU REMEMBER YOUR FATHER'S NAME COME ON THIS SITE WITH YOUR REAL NAME YOUR PARENTS GAVE YOU & MEET ME AS SOON AS POSSIBLE you know where i'm & how to reach me !!
my Name is ShakirQureshi s/o Muhammad Ali Qureshi from Pakistan in east London
@Admin keep an eye on it , you promessed me that it'll not happen on your site here !! CAN YOU ?????
Dear Readers / Friends i'm sorry for the harsh words but i'm helpless coz;
میرا بس جو چلے منہ ھی نوچ لوں اس کا !!
میرے وطن کی، میری بے حرمتی جو کرے !!
{mera bes ju chaley monh hii noch lon us ka !
merey waten ki, meri bey-hurmti ju kerey !! }