پاکستان کا درجہ حرارت ہولناک سطح پر پہنچنے کا خطرہ


Senator (1k+ posts)
محققین کا کہناہے کہ تقریباً پچاس سال بعدجنوبی ایشیاء کی 30 فیصدآبادی ہولناک گرمی کاسامنا کرنےپرمجبور ہو جائے گی۔

غیر ملکی محقیقن نے پاکستان میں بڑھتی ہوئی گرمی اور موسمیاتی تبدیلیوں کے حوالے سے مستقبل میں پیش آنے والے شدید خطرے سے آگاہ کر دیا ہے۔ جرمن تشریاتی ادارے میں چھپنے والی اس دہلا دینے والی رپورٹ کے مطابق مستقبل میں پاکستان سمیت جنوبی ایشیاء کے متعدد علاقوں کا درجہ حرارت 6 درجے تک بڑھنے کا خطرہ موجود ہے۔ اگر ایسا ہو گیا تو لوگوں کو سایہ دار جگہوں پر بھی جینا مشکل ہو جائے گا۔ سائنسدانوں نے خبردار کیا ہے کہ اگر صورتحال یہی رہی اور گرمی کی شدت میں اضافہ ہوتا رہا تو عین ممکن ہے کہ جنوبی ایشیاء میں انسانوں سے آباد کئی علاقے ویران ہو جائیں۔

رپورٹ کے مطابق پاکستان کے کئی علاقوں میں گرمی کی شدت میں اضافہ ہوتا جا رہا ہے۔ بلوچستان کے شہر سبی کا درجہ حرارت رواں برس 52 ڈگری سینٹی گریڈ تک پہنچ گیا تھا۔ سائنسدانوں نے خطرے سے خبردار کرتے ہوئے کہا ہے کہ جس طرح زمین کا درجہ حرارت بتدریج گرم ہو رہا ہے، اس سے اندازہ لگایا جا سکتا ہے کہ 2100ء میں جنوبی ایشیائی ملکوں کے بعض حصے انسانی آبادیوں سے محروم ہو جائیں گے۔ پاکستانی شہر سبّی کو ایسے ہی حالات کا سامنا ہو سکتا ہے۔

رپورٹ میں خبردار کرتے ہوئے کہا گیا ہے کہ اگلی تین دہائیوں میں پاکستان، بھارت اور بنگلا دیش میں انتہائی گرمی پڑنے کا خطرہ ہے جس سے اناج کیلئے زرخیز علاقے بھی شدید متاثر ہو سکتے ہیں۔ مستقبل میں ان علاقوں میں ہولناک گرم لُو چلنا شروع ہو جائے گی۔ برصغیر کے گنجان آباد دیہات اس شدید گرمی سے سب سے زیادہ متاثر ہوں گے اور اتنے شدید گرم موسم میں زندگی کا بچنا محال ہو جائے گا۔




Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
6 degree increase in three decades????
It seems more like a scenario analysis than a prediction. believe such report up to your appetite.
The temperatures in Sibbi reached up to 52 degree!!! - so it happened in the early part of last century (20-30, if I recall it right and 80's as well) .


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
اب بهی وقت هے درخت کاٹنا بند کرو نئے درخت لگاو .گرین زون بناو. دریا وں کی دیکه بهال کرو. دریاوں کو صاف کروپانی کی نکاسی کا انتظام ٹهیک کرو .پہاڑوں کو کاٹنا بند کرو تو بچ سکتے هیں نہیں تو

تیری بربادیوں کے چرچے هیں آسمانوں میں

Dream Seller

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Then some idiots criticize IK for his initiative...im not saying he achieved what he planned but still, better than just phony promises


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
اپنے اپنے گھروں سے درخت لگانےکی مہم شروع کرو۔ فرق پڑنا شروع ہو جاے گا۔


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
اب بهی وقت هے درخت کاٹنا بند کرو نئے درخت لگاو .گرین زون بناو. دریا وں کی دیکه بهال کرو. دریاوں کو صاف کروپانی کی نکاسی کا انتظام ٹهیک کرو .پہاڑوں کو کاٹنا بند کرو تو بچ سکتے هیں نہیں تو

تیری بربادیوں کے چرچے هیں آسمانوں میں

In my opinion, our most critical and immediate issue is water security and water management. Our lands are already acutely water scarce and destined for desertification. The issue is well understood and explored by our experts and we do not need the global warming scenarios and studies to motivate us for action or to learn what to do.
There would be a rise of temperatures or not or how much, regardless, the state immediately need to take all those measures which you have listed but for the sake of water management. However if our focus is only on this immediate and the real issue, the governments need to invest in the agriculture/field improvements and especially in the crop management/replacement - therein we waste bulk of our water and land resources.

These sectors require huge efforts beyond the capacity of any individual or group and only the state can resolve these issues with focus and investment. Individual’s actions in such matters are not a small penny worth. The duty of individuals, especially the political workers is limited to making the right demands from the state and electing the officials with right policies and capacity – not the guys with short-sighted policies aimed to gain votes with immediate gratification.
I might have misunderstood, however your making the demands that ‘we should stop cutting trees’ turns the problem into a moral or a law and order concern. It may or may not be a moral issue but the solutions do not involve any call for morality or accountability of you or me as individuals. Rather the state needs to devise an integrated approach with economic incentives/alternatives, regional development and somewhat zoning and enforcement. This ought to be viewed as a management and technical issue for having any meaningful success; hence the nature of political demands must accord with the problems.

Improvements, saving and reviving our rivers and groundwater requires billions, and the decades of effort at site but also huge investments in the cities, fertilizer controls and training of farmers. Recall how we tackled the salinity problem; it took about 15-20 years to achieve a level of management and of course billions in aid and loans. Sometimes the solutions are easy like the crushing of mountains near urban areas which can be easily achieved by the honest zone management. Such cases are few and rare. Say the real problem of landslides in the mountainous area is not just limited to the forestation, in itself not quite a simple task, but with consistent watershed management and modelling as well.

The issues of this nature require political will, political action and technical understanding of the problem and there is no recourse to it. The politics of NGO’s have played a major role in trivializing the national issues and have rather misguided and ill-informed the public. Further, considering the issue of environment, often silly or ‘black boxed’, politically motivated news items by the GW community such as the one posted above have further muddled the level of discussion.

There is nothing to be utterly disappointed such as ‘nishan nah ho ga’; the issues will be resolved one day, if not by us then by the kids who will follow us – blame it to the optimism. However, often printed suggestion or political slogan and many other similar claims by NGO type experts, for example, that we ought to grow a thick strip of trees along our rivers and canals, miles long, and that would solve the forestation problems – that is never going to happen; problems are not solved in such manner nor the personals dreaming such projects have any understanding scale and the science involved or the technical hazards. Similarly, if we were to convince each other that you and I ought to grow one or two trees to overcome the environment problem and fulfill our moral duties – nothing is going to be achieved even if we agreed to do so – blame it to the pessimism or realism.


MPA (400+ posts)
The climate changes will bring so many problems in future for Pakistani people. The temperature can be increased to extreme level which will be unbearable for the people of South Asia. There are several charitable organizations raising voice against environmental changes.

back to the future

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
We need to cut down on hydro carbon emissions as some european countries are doing.They are the biggest source of polution and in turn warming.

Our biggest source of water are the glaciers that add water to rivers in summer and receive precipitation in winter.

With CPECc roads it is feared that we may lose this biggest source of our water.As i read somewhere that before KKH gilgit had some glaciers which have dis appeared now.

Water management is required and control on hydro carbon emmissions are required also need to grow more and moer trees
