پانامہ لیکس کمیشن پر جھوٹی خبر بے نقاب


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)

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Re: پانامہ لیگ کمیشن پر جھوٹ

Jews r Human, Being Muslims to hate dislike Jews is just a Quranic order by Allah, V should obey Allah and neglect/avoid/unfriend the Christians and Jews. The writer has to know WHat Allah Said on Christians

[5:52] O ye who believe! take not the Jews and the Christians for friends. They are friends one to another. And whoso among you takes them for friends is indeed one of them. Verily, Allah guides not the unjust people.
[5:52] اے وے لوگو جو ایمان لائے ہو! یہود اور نصاریٰ کو دوست نہ پکڑو۔ وہ (آپس ہی میں) ایک دوسرے کے دوست ہیں۔ اور تم میں سے جو اُن سے دوستی کرے گا وہ اُنہی کا ہو رہے گا۔ یقیناً اللہ ظالم قوم کو ہدایت نہیں دیتا۔

It was paid news , Nawaz Sharf gave money to Shakeel ur Rehman to publish fake news as Top news story... If any paper did that in UK , it would be ban and punished immediately

Problem is its forbidden/sin/evil/guilt/offence/heinous to improve/update/modernize/recondition the Quran. So now the question raised, How to solve the ancient Quranic versus, that r damaging Islam as Modren world religion....

.. The Muslims choose to solve that problem by making suitable translation to such old versus which portray Quran as aged/obsolete Book.

Religious beliefs and practices are found in all human groups and go back to the very beginnings of human culture. What makes religion so 'natural'?
Have u seen any men on earth without religion? Whatever religion is natural thing , no one can live without it.. Religion is not Just a book or few rituals, its the complete human..
Islam is a region... and Religion can be based on wrong attempts or wrong written books.. Whats wrong in it?? Y v need religion. Here r certain logics, may answer u Y v nee Islam..The first thing to understand about religion is that it does not activate one particular capacity in the mind, a “religious module” or system that would create the complex set of beliefs and norms we usually call religion. On the contrary, religious representations are sustained by a whole variety of different systems. A second important point is that all these systems are parts of our regular mental equipment, religion or no religion. In other words, belief in religion activates mental systems involved in a whole variety of non-religious domains. These two points have important consequences for our understanding of why there is some kind of religion in all human cultures, why religion is so easy to acquire and transmit.
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Chief Minister (5k+ posts)

انصار عباسی کو کسی نے ماموں بنا دیا ہے اور اس نے بغیر تصدیق کیے خبر شاہ سرخی کے ساتھ لگا دی

آج انصار عباسی کی معزرت آنی چاہیے تھی جو ابھی تک سامنے نہیں آ سکی ہے