وزیراعظم عمران خان کی ٹیلی فون پر عوام سے بات چیت

Yes"We Khan"

New Member
my causin has lost from Town Sadda District Kurram Ko last seen in Peshawar Kohat Adda Cctv on 24 July photo on my avatar.
I request all friends to help possible in spreading the this for the sake of humanity and try your level best to ask and help in searching jazakumullah khair
0306 1091799


Minister (2k+ posts)
What a great leader. Now can any patwari or jiayala tell me when ever in the history of Pakistan, their so=called leaders had such open forum with regular citizens and provided this direct channel. Awesome initiative. Keep up the great work. This is the difference between a brave and honest leader whose heart beats with the motherland and the loser elite mafia whose only job was to loot this nation and build their personal wealth.


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
my causin has lost from Town Sadda District Kurram Ko last seen in Peshawar Kohat Adda Cctv on 24 July photo on my avatar.
I request all friends to help possible in spreading the this for the sake of humanity and try your level best to ask and help in searching jazakumullah khair
0306 1091799
I pray and hope your cousin is safe and alright and will be home soon inshaAllah.
