وزیراعظم اور ارمی چیف نے نماز عید فوجی افسروں، جوانوں کیساتھ ادا کی


Senator (1k+ posts)


MPA (400+ posts)
Both are crooks and Mafias of Pakistan.
Military Mafia and Civil Mafia. Both deserve Jail and article 6.

Both Khanzeers deliberatley published the picture. May Allah Curse them.

PDM is the sole beneficiery of this crakcdown

against Pakistanis.
1. Napak Army is gaining disgrace in the eyes of Pakistan after being exposed for their actions over the last 75 years by IK. Previously no one listened to Shareefs and Zardari thugs when they were kicked out by the Generals. Army gained more respect and Public was happy.
2. PTI is being weakened by the illegal actions and support of bastard Army Generals and DJ ISPR PC.
PDM is enjoying the match
Pakistanis vs Army.
where Pakistanis and Army both are losers.
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Minister (2k+ posts)
May Allah punish these criminals severely in this world. They have ordered the killings of many innocent civilians to keep in power. Imran Riaz Khan and thousands of others could not even offer Eid prayers or qurbani because of these murderers.

nutral is munafek

Minister (2k+ posts)
ہجوم کے نعروں کا وزیر دفاع خواجہ آصف کے عزم پر کوئی اثر نہیں ہوا۔

انہوں نے ماضی میں جو تقریریں کیں ان میں 65، 71 کی جنگوں، کارگل، سیاچن، کشمیر اور شہداء کی بازگشت سنائی دے رہی ہے۔
