نواز شریف کے انقلاب کا گلا اپنوں نے ہی گھونٹ دیا

Shah Shatranj

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
ایسا لگتا ہے نواز شریف کو مکھن میں بال کی طر�* سیاست سے باہر نکال دیا گیا ہے اور اسٹبلشمنٹ کے سامنے گستاخیوں کی وجہ سے نشان عبرت بننے کی طرف اس کا سفر شروع ہو چکا ہے . نواز شریف کا انقلاب سیڑھی کے پہلے سٹیپ پر ہی پھسل کر زمیں بوس ہو گیا ہے کیوں کے بنا بنایا ریفرنس جس سے اسٹبلشمنٹ کے مہرے اور عوامی ووٹ کے منکر جج کو کیفر کردار تک پہنچانا تھا واپس لے لیا گیا ہے . اس ریفرنس کا تعلق تو نواز شریف سے زیادہ اس کے انقلاب سے تھا جس کا گلا اپنوں نے ہی گھونٹ دیا . اشاروں کنایوں میں یہ بھی پتا چل رہا ہے

کہ شہباز شریف فوج اور اسٹبلشمنٹ کو قابل قبول ہیں اور مسلم لیگ کیوں کے ہمیشہ سے ہی اسٹبلشمنٹ کی جماعت رہی ہے پارٹی کے بڑی تعداد میں لوگ اسٹبلشمنٹ کے ساتھ نہیں بگاڑنا چاہتے اور شہباز شریف کی نمائیندگی پر خوش ہیں . اس سے قبل نواز شریف کی مودی نوازی پر بھی مسلم لیگ کا ووٹر نواز شریف سے ناراض ہی تھا اور اس کے جانے پر سب خوش ہیں اس طر�* نواز شریف کا انقلاب ہوا میں غائب ہوتا ہی نظر آ رہا ہے واقعی فرعون ہو یا خدا کا پیارا نبی ہو کسی کے جانے سے وقت نہیں رکتا وقت کا پہیہ چلتا رہتا ہے . نواز شریف وقت روکنے کی ناکام کوشش کر رہے ہیں اور ابھی تک سمجھتے ہیں کہ وہ نا گزیر ہیں لیکن عوام کی نظروں میں وہ قصہ پارینہ بن چکے ہیں


ایک طرف نیب کے �*ملے اور دوسری طرف بیماریوں کے �*ملے لگتا ہے خدا کا قہر نواز خاندان پر ٹوٹنے جا رہا ہے . شداد نے جب جنت بنائی تو اس نے کہا کہ میں خدا کی جنت کے برابر جنت بناؤں گا( اور خدا نے کہا کہ تو اس جنت میں قدم نہ رکھ سکے گا ). جب شداد کی جنت مکمل ہو گئی تو ایسا ہی وہ سوچ رہا تھا کہ وہ اب مکمل خدا بن چکا ہے اب اسے کبھی موت نہیں ہو گی اور وہ جنت کی سیر کو اپنے گھوڑے پر نکلا قدم نیچے رکھنے سے پہلے اس کی موت واقع ہو گئی . اسی طر�* دو تھائی اکثریت اور اسٹبلشمنٹ کی اشیر آباد کے بعد نواز شریف بھی یہ ہی سوچتا ہو گا

کہ اب اسے کوئی تکلیف نہ ملے گی اور را�*یل شریف کے بعد اپنے ججوں اور جرنیلوں کے ہوتے ہوے نواز شریف کو بھی اپنی خدائی مکمل ہوتی ہوئی دکھائی دیتی ہو لیکن عین عروج پر خدا کے قہر کا شکار ہو کر اپنی بد اعمالیوں اور ظلم کی وجہ سے ذلیل و رسوا ہو کر نشان عبرت بننے کی طرف گامزن ہے اور اپنوں نے بھی ساتھ چھوڑ دیا ہے
ایسا نہیں لگتا کہ �*الات نواز شریف کے کنٹرول میں ہیں کیوں کے بار بار نیب کے بلاوے کسی بغاوت یا گستاخی کی طرف ہی اشارے دے رہے ہیں . ایسی گستاخیاں ہونا نا ممکن ہے اگر آپ کا مکمل کنٹرول اداروں پر ہو .

ادادروں پر کنٹرول کے بغیر ہونے والی �*کومت ایسے ہی ہوتی ہے جیسے ایک طوائف مجرا کر رہی ہوتی ہے عدالت آپ کو ذلیل کرے ، فوج آپ کی بات نہ مانے نیب آپ کو گرفتار کرنے کی تیاریاں کر رہی ہو تو کس قدر بے بسی کی صورت�*ال ہے ایسے میں کونسا اقتدار اور کیسا اقتدار . اور یہ �*ال تو تب ہے جب مسلم لیگ کی �*کومت ہے جو آٹھ ماہ بعد ختم ہو جاۓ گی تو اس کے بعد جو �*شر مسلم لیگی لوہے کے چنوں کا ہو گا

اس کا اندازہ لگانا ہی مشکل ہے . چند ایک خوش قسمت ہی بچیں گے جن پر کوئی کرپشن کا الزام یا توہین عدالت کا الزام نہیں ہو گا باقی تو سبھی کسی نہ کسی الزام میں جیل بھریں گے


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
No balls men at work. You say Nawaz is out, he is trying to be in again by passing an amendment that his sentence has passed, because there was no mention of time period of his disqualification.

Knowing the current COAS, the no ball man, there is a chance that Nawaz will be back again. Nobody seems to be doing what should be done according to the law.
Like I said there is a reason why Sharifs, Zardari, Diesel, Afsandyar, Khursheed Shah, Altaf etc.etc. are able to loot and destroy Pakistan. It has no balls men in plenty. RIP Pakistan.

Will some one ask the COAS or the "Establishment" is Shahbaz a saint!! He is worse than Nawaz, why is he acceptable!! And where is the voice and welfare of the people of Pakistan in it!!!

Shah Shatranj

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
no balls men at work. You say nawaz is out, he is trying to be in again by passing an amendment that his sentence has passed, because there was no mention of time period of his disqualification.

Knowing the current coas, the no ball man, there is a chance that nawaz will be back again. Nobody seems to be doing what should be done according to the law.
Like i said there is a reason why sharifs, zardari, diesel, afsandyar, khursheed shah, altaf etc.etc. Are able to loot and destroy pakistan. It has no balls men in plenty. Rip pakistan.
will some one ask the coas or the "establishment" is shahbaz a saint!! He is worse than nawaz, why is he acceptable!! And where is the voice and welfare of the people of pakistan in it!!!

فرد وا*د کے لیے آئینی ترمیم نہیں کی جا سکتی اور اگر ہو بھی گئی تو اس کی امپلمنتیشن کا وقت اس کے پاس ہونے کے بعد ہی شروع ہو گا
لوگ اپنے لیول کے مطابق ہی لوگوں کو پسند کرتے ہیں اداروں کو جو لوگ سوٹ کرتے ہیں وہ اپنی اوقات کے مطابق انہی لوگوں کا انتخاب کرتے ہیں جو خود سر سے پاؤں تک کرپٹ ہوں وہ کسی صاف شفاف انسان کو آگے نہیں آنے دیں گے تھوڑا بہت آئیڈیالوجی کا فرق ہوتا ہے جو پسند نہ پسند کا سبب بنتا ہے ورنہ یہاں کون کرپٹ نہیں


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Nawaz business family makaftay Amal ka shikar ho rahi ha..Kalsom ko galay ka cancer,Showbaz ko back bone ka masla..Nawaz ko heart ki bemari..Baqi Bacho ko Kia Kiya maslay ho gein.ab Zardari ki Bari ha..aur corrupt ruling eilite class ki bhi..Pakistan ko corrupt logo se azaad karwany ka aik hi way ke 3 sal ke lia national gov tashkeel di Jaya jis Mien sab parties aur provinces ke corrupt free log ho..sab adaro ko independent aur corruption see Pak Kia Jaya..us ke baad fair and free election karwa dia jayain..


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)

فرد وا�*د کے لیے آئینی ترمیم نہیں کی جا سکتی اور اگر ہو بھی گئی تو اس کی امپلمنتیشن کا وقت اس کے پاس ہونے کے بعد ہی شروع ہو گا
لوگ اپنے لیول کے مطابق ہی لوگوں کو پسند کرتے ہیں اداروں کو جو لوگ سوٹ کرتے ہیں وہ اپنی اوقات کے مطابق انہی لوگوں کا انتخاب کرتے ہیں جو خود سر سے پاؤں تک کرپٹ ہوں وہ کسی صاف شفاف انسان کو آگے نہیں آنے دیں گے تھوڑا بہت آئیڈیالوجی کا فرق ہوتا ہے جو پسند نہ پسند کا سبب بنتا ہے ورنہ یہاں کون کرپٹ نہیں [/right]

First of all it is an insult for someone like me to respond to post of people like you. You have already sold your souls to crooks like Zardari and BB, you could neither be honest or objective.
Why would some people suit the establishment!!
Why all the crooks are suited and acceptable to the establishment!!
Are they blind to the fact that all these looters had been looting the country. Taking the rights and money of the poor of Pakistan!! Using and abusing their position to benefit themselves and their children!!
If the establishment is all that powerful, which they are, they must know that Zardari and Sharifs had stashed away billion of dollars in foreign countries. The money stolen from the poor of Pakistan.

I promise you even your Prince Charming Bilawal would be jail in any democratic country for failing to declare his income and pay taxes. Do you know how old is he!! He is 29. He is a 29 years old man. What is his sources of income!!!
What position he hold in any government!! Why billions of poor money spent on his security and travels!! Why PPP doesn't spent their own money, he is the Chairman of their party not holding any position in any of the Government.

Because you are biased, these things either are not important or do not make sense to you.

Abdul Allah

Minister (2k+ posts)
For OP

Ishq qaatil se bhi maqtool se hamdardi bhi
ye bata kis se mohabbat ki jaza mangay ga

sajda khaliq ko bhi ablees se yaarana bhi

hashar me kis se aqeedat ka sila mangay ga.

Shah Shatranj

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
First of all it is an insult for someone like me to respond to post of people like you. You have already sold your souls to crooks like Zardari and BB, you could neither be honest or objective.
Why would some people suit the establishment!!
Why all the crooks are suited and acceptable to the establishment!!
Are they blind to the fact that all these looters had been looting the country. Taking the rights and money of the poor of Pakistan!! Using and abusing their position to benefit themselves and their children!!
If the establishment is all that powerful, which they are, they must know that Zardari and Sharifs had stashed away billion of dollars in foreign countries. The money stolen from the poor of Pakistan.

I promise you even your Prince Charming Bilawal would be jail in any democratic country for failing to declare his income and pay taxes. Do you know how old is he!! He is 29. He is a 29 years old man. What is his sources of income!!!
What position he hold in any government!! Why billions of poor money spent on his security and travels!! Why PPP doesn't spent their own money, he is the Chairman of their party not holding any position in any of the Government.

Because you are biased, these things either are not important or do not make sense to you.

I think so many people have sold themselves to their loved one sinners , If no one sympathies PPP at this forum and I do then what's wrong in it. Zardari and Bilawal have not been convicted to any of corruption case and without approve it is almost impossible to convict any one. You live in fools heaven of hate of ppp. You even don't know what assets Bilawal possess , he has inherited from his mother he is not involved in any kind of govt business or his own business so there is no question of any kind of corruption allegation on him. Cases on Zardari are also going to end soon not a single corruption case has been proved on him.
Establishment itself corrupt from top to bottom and in ongoing policies they will never wish any kind of abstraction in their way of working. They themselves need nro for their past sins. They will always prefer a compromised ruler

Shah Shatranj

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
For OP

Ishq qaatil se bhi maqtool se hamdardi bhi
ye bata kis se mohabbat ki jaza mangay ga

sajda khaliq ko bhi ablees se yaarana bhi

hashar me kis se aqeedat ka sila mangay ga.

اگر کوئی خدا ہوتا تو ہم بھی سجدہ کر دیتے
جب انتخاب آدم پاپیوں میں ہو تو برا بھلا کیا


Minister (2k+ posts)
اسٹیبلشمنٹ کا بوٹا تھا۔ اکھاڑ دیا۔کون سا سیاسی جدوجہد کر کے آیا تھا۔ رونا کیوں


Senator (1k+ posts)

بھائی اپ نوکیا ۳۳۱۰ موبائل کا ہی استمال جاری رکھیں۔ نئے دور کے تقاضوں سے اپ کو خوف اتا ہے۔

اگر کوئی خدا ہوتا تو ہم بھی سجدہ کر دیتے
جب انتخاب آدم پاپیوں میں ہو تو برا بھلا کیا


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Let's assume Noora comes back to politics, then will he also be exonerated from money laundering and many other corruptions?


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)

اگر کوئی خدا ہوتا تو ہم بھی سجدہ کر دیتے
جب انتخاب آدم پاپیوں میں ہو تو برا بھلا کیا

صحیح کہا . جب انتخاب نواز اور زرداری جیسے پاپیوں کا ہو تو کیا برا کیا بھلا

Shah Shatranj

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)

بھائی اپ نوکیا ۳۳۱۰ موبائل کا ہی استمال جاری رکھیں۔ نئے دور کے تقاضوں سے اپ کو خوف اتا ہے۔

نۓ دور کے تقاضوں اور سونامیوں کو پاکستان کی عوام رد کر چکی ہے ہم بھی اپنی عوام کے ساتھ ہی چلیں گے

Shah Shatranj

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Let's assume Noora comes back to politics, then will he also be exonerated from money laundering and many other corruptions?

Last time Iftikhar Chohdri exonerated him from all legal and constitutional punishments violating all laws and nation was happy no one protested on this violation of laws. The unconstitutional and illegal things are not new in Pakistan , every thing happens accoring to Nazria Zrort , may nation see another joke with constitution but in today opinion nawas return totally impossible


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)

I think so many people have sold themselves to their loved one sinners , If no one sympathies PPP at this forum and I do then what's wrong in it. Zardari and Bilawal have not been convicted to any of corruption case and without approve it is almost impossible to convict any one. You live in fools heaven of hate of ppp. You even don't know what assets Bilawal possess , he has inherited from his mother he is not involved in any kind of govt business or his own business so there is no question of any kind of corruption allegation on him. Cases on Zardari are also going to end soon not a single corruption case has been proved on him.
Establishment itself corrupt from top to bottom and in ongoing policies they will never wish any kind of abstraction in their way of working. They themselves need nro for their past sins. They will always prefer a compromised ruler

You are senseless, I give you that. Zardari is not convicted of any crimes! Until now Nawaz or Shahbaz is not convicted of any crimes either. But does that change the fact that both of them are thieves!!
So what is the sources of income for both Zardari and Bilawal!!!
You said that Bilawal inherited huge wealth, care to present his wealth's statement!!

I can promise you one thing with 1000% surety when their sources of income are investigated they would be running like headless chicken exactly the way Nawaz and his children had been for over a year, but would not declare their sources of income.

There is nothing wrong in supporting any political party, but there is everything wrong with supporting thieves.

Shah Shatranj

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
You are senseless, I give you that. Zardari is not convicted of any crimes! Until now Nawaz or Shahbaz is not convicted of any crimes either. But does that change the fact that both of them are thieves!!
So what is the sources of income for both Zardari and Bilawal!!!
You said that Bilawal inherited huge wealth, care to present his wealth's statement!!

I can promise you one thing with 1000% surety when their sources of income are investigated they would be running like headless chicken exactly the way Nawaz and his children had been for over a year, but would not declare their sources of income.

There is nothing wrong in supporting any political party, but there is everything wrong with supporting thieves.

Don't think yourself hundred percent right in hatred allegation which have not been proved by any court , and don't try to impose your narrative on others. The people you think are thieves may be hero in other people view. Nothing have been proved on Zardari and BB and everyone knows what kind of allegations are leveled against them , all political. If there would be any reality on allegations on Zardari , Nawaz put him in jail for many years but could not prove anything. His devilish image has wrongly been painted by Punjabi establishment and media which is totally. You can say he is weak or illegible in ruling but you should not believe in false and unverified political allegations against him.
You should read Wikipedia about zardari before believing in malicious hatred spread by evil people , his father was chief of Zardari tribe and Bhutto father was also great landlord they have not come from footpath , they are ancestral landlords. Your hatred will not help Naib to punish Zardari for baseless allegations. Nothing happened to Dr Asim and nothing will happen to any other ppp leader. These false political accusations will die their own death
