B Bilal Raza Prime Minister (20k+ posts) Jul 18, 2018 #1 https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=10156161377675528 Featured Thumbs https://i.imgur.com/9gwKOYa.jpg
BrotherKantu Chief Minister (5k+ posts) Jul 18, 2018 #2 What.... already 5 days!!! they will get use to it soon. Nothing to worry about here. .
P Pakistan2017 Chief Minister (5k+ posts) Jul 18, 2018 #3 لیکن فراری یہ تو بتاۓ ک وہ خود 3 گھنٹے جیل سے باہر کہاں اور کس کو ستانے گئی تھی ؟
LovePK-or-LeavePK Senator (1k+ posts) Jul 18, 2018 #4 Do it like Saudis. Make them sign the check for everything they got. Bring back the looted money of poor nation of Pakistan.
Do it like Saudis. Make them sign the check for everything they got. Bring back the looted money of poor nation of Pakistan.